Biomineralizacja i taksonomia gąbek, mezozoiczne liliowce,
żachwy kopalne i ich tafonomia
Łukowiak, M., Meiro, G., Peña, B., Villanueva Guimerans, P., Corbí, H. 2023. Miocene sponge assemblages in the face of the Messinian Salinity Crisis—new data from the Atlanto-Mediterranean seaway. PeerJ,11, e16277.
Łukowiak, M., Van Soest, R., Klautau, M., Pérez, T., Pisera, A., Tabachnick, K. 2022. The terminology of sponge spicules. Journal of Morphology 283 (12): 1517-1545.
Łukowiak, M., Dieni, I., Dumitrica, P., Massari, F. 2022. Late Valanginian sponge spicules from north-eastern Sardinia (Italy). Cretaceous Research 135: 105205.
Ausich, W.I., Salamon, M.A., Płachno, B.J., Brachaniec, T., Krawczyński, W., Boczarowski, A., Paszcza, K., Łukowiak, M., Gorzelak, P. 2022. Unraveling the hidden paleobiodiversity of the Middle Devonian (Emsian) crinoids (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from Poland. PeerJ 10: e12842.
Łukowiak, M., Pisera, A., Stefanska, T., Stefanskyi, V. 2022. High diversity of siliceous sponges in western Tethyan areas during the Eocene: palaeobiogeographical, ecological and taxonomic significance. Papers in Palaeontology 8(1): e1416.
Pisera, A., Łukowiak, M., Masse, S., Tabachnick, K., Fromont, J., Ehrlich, H., Bertolino, M. 2021. Insights into the structure and morphogenesis of the giant basal spicule of the glass sponge Monorhaphis chuni. Frontiers in Zoology (2021) 18:58.
Łukowiak, M. 2020. Utilizing sponge spicules in taxonomic, ecological and environmental reconstructions: a review. PeerJ, 8: e10601.
Gorzelak, P., Kołbuk, D., Salamon, M., Łukowiak, M., Ausich, W., Baumiller, T. 2020. Bringing planktonic crinoids back to the bottom: Reassessment of the functional role of scyphocrinoid loboliths. Paleobiology, 46(1): 104–122.
Łukowiak, M., Pisera, A., Stefanska, T. 2019. Uncovering the hidden diversity of Paleogene sponge fauna of the East European Platform through reassessment of the record of isolated spicules. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 64 (4): 871-895.
Łukowiak, M., Cramer, K.L., Madzia, D., Hynes, M.G., Norris, R.D., O'Dea, A. 2018. Historical change in a Caribbean reef sponge community and long-term loss of sponge predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series 601: 127-137.
Pisera, A., Łukowiak, M., Fromont, J., Schuster, A. 2017. First record of the genus Vetulina Schmidt, 1879 (Porifera: Demospongiae: Sphaerocladina) from the Indian Ocean with the description of two new species: biogeographic and evolutionary significance. Marine Biodiversity 48 (3): 1529-1539. [text - journal site]
Gorzelak, P., Głuchowski, E., Brachaniec, T., Łukowiak, M., Salamon, M. 2017. Skeletal microstructure of uintacrinoid crinoids and inferences about their mode of life. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 468: 200-207. [text - journal site]
Łukowiak, M., Pisera, A. 2017. Bodily preserved Eocene non-lithistid demosponge fauna from southern Australia: taxonomy and affinities. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15 (6): 473-497. [text - journal site]
Łukowiak, M. 2016.
Fossil and modern sponge fauna of southern Australia and
adjacent regions compared: interpretation, evolutionary and
biogeographic significance of the late Eocene 'soft'
sponges. Contributions to Zoology 85 (1): 13-35. [text - journal site]
Łukowiak, M.,
Dumitriu, S., Ionesi, V. 2016. First fossil record of early
Sarmatian didemnid ascidian spicules (Tunicata) from
Moldova. Geobios 49 (3): 201-209. [text - journal site]
Łukowiak, M. 2016.
Spicular analysis of surficial sediments as a supplementary
tool for studies of modern sponge communities. Helgoland
Marine Research 70: 5. [text - journal site]
Mazurek, D., Dec, M., Łukowiak,
M. 2015. A new echinocaridid phyllocaridan from the
Lower Devonian of central-eastern Poland. Journal of
Crustacean Biology 35 (6): 785-788. [text - journal site]
Łukowiak, M. 2015.
Late Eocene siliceous sponge fauna of southern Australia:
reconstruction based on loose spicules record. Zootaxa 3917
(1): 1-65. [text - journal site]
Łukowiak, M., Pisera, A., Schlögl, J. 2014. Bathyal sponges from the late Early Miocene of the Vienna Basin (central Paratethys, Slovakia). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 88: 263-277. [text - journal site]
Łukowiak M., Pisera A., O’Dea A. 2013. Do spicules in sediments reflect the living sponge community? A test in a Caribbean shallow-water lagoon. Palaios 28: 373-385. [text - journal site]
Łukowiak, M. 2012. First Record of Late Eocene Ascidians (Ascidiacea, Tunicata) from Southeastern Australia: Journal of Paleontology 86 (3): 521-526. [text - journal site]
Borszcz, T., Gorzelak, P., Konieczyński, K., Łukowiak, M., Salamon, M.A. 2009. Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) crinoids from the southern Poland. Paläontologie, Stratigraphie, Fazies (17), Freiberger Forschungshefte C 532: 83-93; Freiberg.
Salamon, M.A., Gajerski, A., Gorzelak, P., Łukowiak, M. 2007. A new plicatocrinid crinoid, Tetracrinus jagti, from the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) of southern Poland. Neues Jahrbuch für Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 245 (2): 179-183.
Gorzelak, P., Łukowiak, M., Salamon, M.A. 2007. Nowe dane na temat skamieniałości cyrtokrynidów (Crinoidea, Cyrtocrinida) w osadach mezozoiku Polski pozakarpackiej. Przegląd Geologiczny 55: 222-223.
Łukowiak, M.,
Gorzelak, P. 2006. Marsupites (Crinoidea, Uintacrinida) jako
narzędzie datowania skał górnosantońskich w krach
glacjalnych wschodniej Polski. Przegląd Geologiczny 54:
Łukowiak, M. 2016.
Czego możemy się nauczyć od gąbek? Focus 2: 2-6.
Łukowiak, M. 2016. Leki z podwodnej apteki. Focus
Medycyna, 2: 15-17.