Zakład Paleobiologii Środowiskowej

prof. dr hab. Andrzej PISERA

Kopalne i współczesne gąbki (szczególnie lithistiowe), krasnorosty (szczególnie Corallinales); mezozoiczne liliowce


Dane osobowe

Andrzej Pisera

Tytuły i członkostwa
  • 2015 tytuł profesora nauk o Ziemi
  • 1998 habilitacja w Instytucie Paleobiologii PAN na podstawie pracy: Późnojurajskie gąbki z Jury Szwabskiej
  • 1985 doktorat z geologii w Instytucie Paleobiologii PAN na podstawie pracy: Lithogenesis and paleoecology of the Miocene algal-vermetid reefs
  • 1974 magisterium z geologii na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, Wydział Geologii

Nagrody i stypendia
  • 2008 SYNTHESIS EU grant (NM Berlin)
  • 2006 SYNTHESIS WU grant (MNHN, Paris)
  • 2005/2006 Hertie Foundation scholarship, Niemcy (visiting scientist, Frankfurt University)
  • 2003 Wyróżnienie Wydziału Nauk Biologicznych PAN
  • 1999 Royal Society (London) scholarship (NHM, London)
  • 1998 DAAD senior scholarship
  • 1996 Royal Society (London) scholarship (NHM, London)
  • 1995 Nagroda Wydziału Nauk Biologicznych PAN
  • 1993 Senior Fulbrigth Scholarship (Miami, Florida)
  • 1992 DAAD senior scholarship
  • 1985 UNESCO scholarship
  • 1980 Nagroda rektora Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
  • 1979 Nagroda rektora Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Uczestnictwo w międzynarodowych spotkaniach naukowych
  • 2014 2nd International Workshop on Taxonomy of Atlanto-Meditearranean Deep-Sea Sponges, 2-7 June 2014, Bergen, Norwegia
  • 2014 4th International Palaeontological Congress, 27 Septmeber-3 October, Mendoza, Argentyna
  • 2013 12th International Symposium on Biomineralization (Biomin12) 27 - 30 August 2013, Freiberg, Saxonia, Niemcy
  • 2013 XXII Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Paleontologicznej PTG, Tyniec, 27-30 września 2013
  • 2012 International Workshop on Taxonomy of Atlanto-Mediterranean Deep-Sea Sponges, Ponta Delgada, Portugalia
  • 2010 CERF Sponge Workshop, Perth, Australia
  • 2009 10th Anniversary Conference of the Czech, Polish and Slovak Paleontologists, Banska Bystrica, Słowacja
  • 2008 9th Czech, Polish and Slovak Plaeontologists Paleontological Conference, Warszawa, Polska
  • 2007 8th Czech, Polish and Slovak Paleontological Conference Bratislava, Słowacja
  • 2007 Regional Meeting of RCNNS/RCNPS, Kraków
  • 2006 7th Internation Sponge Symposium, Buzios Brazylia
  • 2002 6th International Sponge Symposium, Rapallo, Włochy
  • 1999 8th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Sendai, Japonia
  • 1998 5th International Sponge Symposium, Brisbane, Australia
  • 1997 Oxfordian Working Group, Warszawa
  • 1997 Systema Porifera Second Progress Meeting, Paryż
  • 1995 field trip (guide) of Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera Symposium, Madrid, Hiszpania
  • 1994 Second European Meeting of the International Society for Reef Studies, Luxemburg
  • 1993 Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.
  • 1993 4th International Porifera Congress "Sponges in Time and Space" Amsterdam
  • 1992 Oxfordian and Kimmeridgiamn Joint Working Groups Meetings, Warszawa
  • 1992 IGCP Project 308 - Paleocene/Eocene Boundary Events. International Meeting and Field Conference in Zaragoza, Hiszpania
  • 1991 VIth International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria, including Archeocyatha and Porifera, Munster
  • 1990 IXth Congress of RCMNS, Barcelona
  • 1990 Oxfordian Working Group Meeting, Szwajcaria
  • 1988 International Symposium on Fossil and Recent Sponges, Berlin
  • 1985 Fifth International Congress on Coral Reefs, Tahiti
  • 1981 International Symposium on Triassic Reefs, Erlangen

Uczestnictwo w lokalnych spotkaniach naukowych
  • 1998 XVI Konferencja Paleontologów, Wiktorowo (Kujawy)
  • 1995 IV Krajowe Spotkanie Sedymentologów, Kraków
  • 1991 XIV Konferencji Paleontologów w Karpatach, Kamionka k. Rzeszowa (współorganizator)
  • 1985 IX Konferencja Paleontologów, Roztocze, (współorganizator)
  • 1983 VII Konferencja Paleontologów, Iłża k. Radomia
  • 1984 VIII Konferencja Paleontologów, Zakopane

Prace terenowe/wyprawy
  • 2004 południowa Australia
  • 2003 French NORFOLK 2 biological expedition to the Norfolk Rigde, Południowo-wschodni Pacyfik
  • 1993/1994 Miami, Floryda, Utah, USA
  • 1990 Mecsek Mts., Villany Mts, Bakony Mts, Węgry
  • 1985 Tahiti, Rangiroa, More, Polinezja Francuska
  • 1987, 1989, 1992, 1996, 1997/98 Hiszpania
  • 1985, 1986, 1992 Swabia, Niemcy

Granty i projekty międzynarodowe
  • 2013-2015 kierownik grantu NCN: Zróżnicowanie i ewolucja gąbek słodkowodnych w paleoceńskich i eoceńskich jeziorach Arktyki: zapis cieplarnianego klimatu      
  • 2008 - 2010 Polsko-rosyjski projekt badawczy (w ramach wspópracy PAN and RAN) pt. „Bioróżnorodność gąbek litistidowych Środkowego i Północnego Atlantyku” (A. Pisera and K. Tabachnik)
  • 2007- 2010 Grant NSF USA, No.0716606, “Documenting the Effects of Global Warming on an Arctic Eocene Lake Using Siliceous Microfossil Remains”, pod kierunkiem P. Siver, Connecticut College, USA
  • 2003 - 2005 Grant KBN "Biogeograficzne i ekologiczne aspekty ewolucji gąbek litistidowych w czasie od trzeciorzędu do dziś" (kierownik)

Praca redakcyjna
  • 2008 - redaktor WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species – lithistid sponges)
  • 2003 - 2006 członek rady redakcyjnej Geological Quarterly
  • 1991 - 1996 członek rady redakcyjnej Acta Palaeontologica Polonica

  • 2005/2006 wykład monograficzny: Coralline algae, Sponges; Palaeontologisches Institut Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet, Frankfurt
  • 1976-1986 laboratoria: Wprowadzenie do paleontologii; Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Geologii
  • wykłady monograficzne na Uniwersytecie Śląskim
  • wylady monograficzne dla studentów studium doktorackiego GEOBIOS 

  • Magdalena Łukowiak – Późnoeoceńskie gąbki nie-litistidowe z południowo zachodniej Australii, doktorat obroniony 10 kwietnia 2013 r.
  • Krystian Konieczyński – Późnojurajskie liliowce

  • kopalne i współczesne gąbki (szczególnie lithistiowe),
  • krasnorosty (szczególnie Corallinales);
  • mezozoiczne liliowce


Artykuły naukowe

Hoffman, A., Pisera, A. & Ryszkiewicz, M. 1974. Predation by muricid and naticid gastropods on the Lower Tortonian molluscs from the Korytnica Clays. Acta Geologica Polonica 24: 249-260.

Pisera, A. 1978. Miocene reef deposits of the western Roztocze. Przegląd Geologiczny 3: 159-162. (in Polish)

Hoffman, A., Pisera, A. & Studencki, W. 1978. Reconstruction of a Miocene kelp-associated macrobenthic ecosystem. Acta Geologica Polonica 28; 377-387.

Bitner, M.A. & Pisera, A. 1979. Brachiopods from the Upper Cretaceous chalk of Mielnik (Eastern Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica 29, 67-88.

Hoffman, A. & Pisera, A. 1979. Benthic foraminiferal associations in the Miocene of southern Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica, 29: 107-120.

Pisera, A. & Dzik, J. 1979. Tithonian crinoids from Rogoznik (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Poland) and their evolutionary relationships. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetie 72: 805-849.

Kasiński, J.R., Pieńkowski, G. & Pisera, A. 1981. Lithology and microfacies of the Branisko and Czorsztyn Units along the road-cut Krosnica-Katy in the Pieniny. Studia Geologica Polonica 70: 73-94 (in Polish).

Iwasińska, I., Narkiewicz, M. & Pisera, A. 1981. Occurrence, diagenesis, and determination of high magnesian calcite. Przegląd Geologiczny, 3: 113-118 (in Polish).

Pisera, A. & Zawidzka, K. 1981. Archaeolithoporella from the Upper Permian Reef Limestones of the Northern Caucasus. Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Sciences de la Terre 29: 233-238.

Pisera, A. 1983. Comatulid and roveacrinid crinoids from the Cretaceous of Central Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 28: 385-391.

Bałuk, W. & Pisera, A. 1984. A new species of sea pens, Graphularia transaedina sp.n., from the Korytnica Clays (Middle Miocene; Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica 34: 203-211.

Bitner, M.A. & Pisera, A. 1984. Brachiopods from “Pecten Conglomerate” (Polonez Cove Formastion, Pliocene) of King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Studia Geologica Polonica 79: 121-124.

Pisera, A. 1985a. Paleoecology and lithogenesis of the Middle Miocene (Badenian) algal-vermetid reefs from the Roztocze Hills, south-eastern Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica 36: 89-155.

Pisera, A. 1985b. Diagenesis of the Middle Miocene algal-vermetid reefs from Poland: an example of the local diagenetic continental control. Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, Proceedings 3: 277-282.

Szczechura, J. & Pisera, A. 1986. The biostratigraphic position of lithothamnian limestones from Chomentów (Korytnica Basin) and Węglin (Roztocze Region). Zeszyty Naukowe AGH, Geologia, 12: 45-62.

Pisera, A. 1988. Boring and nestling organisms from the Upper Jurassic coral colonies from the Northern Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 32: 83-102.

Pisera, A. & Studencki, W. 1989. Middle Miocene rhodoliths from the Korytnica Basin (Southern Poland): environmental significance and paleontology. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 34: 179-209.

Pisera, A. 1991. Upper Jurassic sponge megafacies in Spain: Preliminary report. In: J.Reitner & H. Keupp (Eds) Fossil and Recent Sponges. 486-497. Springer Verlag, Berlin.

Pisera, A. & Bodzioch A. 1991. Middle Triassic lyssacinosan sponges from the Upper Silesia (southern Poland) and the history of hexactinosan and lychniscosan sponges. Acta Geologica Polonica 41: 193-207.

Pisera, A., Satir, M., Gruszczyński, M., Hoffman, A. & Małkowski, K. 1992. Variation in 13C and 18O in late Jurassic carbonates, submediterranean Province, Europe. Annales Societarum Geologorum Poloniae 62: 141-147.

Dzik, J. & Pisera, A. 1994 Sedimentation and fossils of the Mojcza Limestone. In: J. Dzik, E. Olempska & A. Pisera. Ordovician carbonate platform ecosystem of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Palaeontologia Polonica 50: 5-41.

Pisera, A. 1994. Echinoderms of the Mojcza Limestone. In: J. Dzik, E. Olempska & A. Pisera. Ordovician carbonate platform ecosystem of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Palaeontologia Polonica 50: 283-307.

Pisera, A. 1995. The role of skeletal and non-skeletal components in the Sarmatian reefs of Poland. Publications du Service Géologique de Luxembourg 24: 81-86.

Pisera, A. 1996. Miocene reefs of the Paratethys: a review. In: E. Franzen, M. Esteban, B. Ward & J.M. Rouchy (Eds) Models for carbonate stratigraphy from Miocene reef complexes of Mediterraneanregions. SEPM, Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology 5: 97-104.

Pisera, A., J. K. Rigby & Bylund, K.G. 1996. Lower Triassic Hexactinellid sponges from the Confusion range, western Utah. BYU Studies in Geology 41: 139-148.

Busquets, P., Pisera, A., Reguant, S. & Serra-Kiel, J. 1997. Biofacies of the outer continental shelf in the Barthonian of the Eastern part of the Ebro Basin (NE Spain). Boletinode la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural (Sec. Geol.), 92 (1-4): 249-205.

Pisera, A. 1997. Upper Jurassic siliceous sponges from the Swabian Alb: taxonomy and paleoecology. Palaeontologia Polonica 57: 1-216.

Pisera, A. 1997. Hexactinellid sponges of the Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. In: P. Glowacki (ed) Polish Polar Studies. 24th Polar Symposium, Warszawa 1997, 203-205.

Pisera, A. 1999a. Postpaleozoic history of the siliceous sponges with rigid skeleton. Memoires of the Queensland Museum 44: 473-478.

Pisera, A. 1999b. Lithistid sponge Setidium obtectum Schmidt, 1879, rediscovered. Memoires of the Queensland Museum 44, 463-472.

Gischler, E. & Pisera, A. 1999. Shallow-water rhodoliths from Belize reefs. Neues Jahrbuch fuer Geologie und Palaeontologie, Abhandlungen 214: 71-93.

Bitner, A. & Pisera, A. 2000. Brachiopod fauna from the Middle Miocene deposits of Niechobrz, south-east Poland. Tertiary Research 20: 7-15.

Pisera, A. 2000. New species of lithistid sponges from the Paleogene of the Ukraine. Zoosystema 22: 285-298.

Gammon, P., James, N.P. & Pisera, A. 2000. Eocene spiculites and spongolites in southwestwern Australia: Not deep, not polar, but shallow and warm. Geology 28: 855-858. [tekst]

Rigby, J.K., Pisera, A., Wrzołek, T. & Racki, G. 2001. Upper Devonian sponges from the Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland. Palaeontology 44: 447-488. [tekst]

Pisera, A. & Busquets, P. 2002. Eocene siliceous sponges from the Ebro Basin (Catalonia, Spain). Geobios 35: 321-346. Lyon. [tekst]

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. 'Lithistid' Demospongiae In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 299-301.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Scleritodermidae Sollas. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 302-311.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Corallistidae Sollas. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 312-320.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Pleromidae Sollas. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 321-326.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Theonelleidae Lendenfeld. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 327- 337.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Siphonidiidae Lendenfeld. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 338-343.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Neopeltidae Sollas. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 344-351.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Azoricidae Sollas. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 352-355.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Desmanthidae Topsent. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 356-362.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Vetulinidae Lendenfeld. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 363-365.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Phymatellidae Schrammen. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 366-373.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Isoraphiniidae Schrammen. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 374-376.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Macandrewiidae Schrammen. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 377-379.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Family Phymaraphiniidae Schrammen. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 380-383.

Pisera, A. & Lévi, C. 2002. Lithistids Incertae Sedis. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 384-387.

Pisera, A. 2002. Fossil Lithistids: An Overview. In: J. N.A. Hooper & R.WM. Van Soest (eds) Systema Porifera. Kluwer Academics/Plenum Press, New York etc. pp. 388-402.

Vishnievskaya, V. Pisera, A. & Racki G. 2002. Siliceous biota (radiolarians and sponges) and the Late Devonian biotic crisis: The Polish reference. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47: 211-226.

Pisera, A. & Saez, A. 2003. Paleoenvironmental significance of a new species of freshwater sponge from the Late Miocene Quillagua Formation (N Chile). Journal of South American Earth Studies 15: 847-852. [tekst]

Pisera, A. 2003. Some aspects of silica deposition in lithistid demosponge desmas. Microscopy Research and Technique 62: 312-326. [tekst]

Rogl, F. et al. (18 authors, including Pisera, A.] 2003. Paleobiological characterization of the Karpatian Stage. IN: Brzobohaty, R. Cicha, I. Kovac, M. and Rogl, F. (eds) The Karpatian. A lower Miocene stage of the Central Paratethys,189-191.BRNO.

Pisera, A. 2004. What can we learn about siliceous sponges from paleontology. Bolletinodei Museie degli Istituti Biologici dell’Unieverista di Genova 68(2003): 55-69.

Pisera, A. & Hladilova, S. 2003 (2004). Siliceous sponge spicules from Karpatian of the Carpathian Foredeep in Moravia In: Brzobohaty, R. Cicha, I. Kovac, M. and Rogl, F. (eds). The Karpatian. A lower Miocene stage of the Central Paratethys pp.189-191. Brno.

Schlacher-Hoenlinger, M.A., Pisera, A. & John Hooper, J. N.A. 2005. Deep-sea “Lithistid” assemblages from the Norfolk Ridge (New Caledonia), with descriptions of seven new species and a new genus (Porifera: Demospongiae). Zoosytema 27:649-698.

Pisera, A., Michael Martínez, M., & Santos, H. 2006. Late Cretaceous siliceous sponges from El Rayo Formation, Puerto Rico. Journal of Paleonology 80: 594-600. [tekst]

Pisera, A. 2006. Palaeontology of sponges - A review. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84: 242-262. [tekst]

Manconi, R., Serusi, A. & Pisera, A. 2006. A new Mediterranean "lithistid" sponge, Aciculites mediterrannea sp. nov. (Porifera: Demospongiae) from dark marine cave in Sardinia . Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86: 1-8. [tekst]

Pisera, A., Cachao, M. & C. da Silva. 2006. Siliceous sponge spicules from the Miocene Mem Moniz marls (Portugal) and their environmental significance. Rivista Italiana de Paleontologia112: 287-299.

Pisera, A. & Bitner, M.A. 2007. The sponge genus Brachiaster (Pachastrellidae, Demospongiae) and its first known fossil representative, from the late Eocene of SW Australia. Alcheringa 3.

Gischler, E., Hudson, J.H. & Pisera, A. 2008. Late Quaternary reef growth and sea level in the Maldives (Indian Ocean). Marine Geology 250: 104-113. [tekst]

Consoli, C., Pisera, A. & Stillwell, J. 2009. Siliceous sponges of the Takatika Grit (Cretaceous-Paleocene), Chatham Islands, South Pacific. Journal of Paleontology 83(5): 811-819. [tekst]

Pisera, A., Rutzler, K., Kaźmierczak, J.& Kempe, S. 2010. Sponges in an extreme environmet: suberitids from quasi-marine Satonda Island crater lake (Sumbawa, Indonesia). Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 90: 203-212. [tekst]

Pisera, A. & Vacelet, J. 2010. Lithistid sponges from submarine caves in the Mediterranean: taxonomy and affinities. Scientia Marina (in press)

Siver, P.A., Pelczar, J.M., Lott, AM. & Pisera, A. 2010 The Giraffe Pipe Database Project: A Web-Based Database for Siliceous microfossils From a Freshwater Eocene Waterbody. Proceedings of the Seventh International Chrysophyte Symposium New London, Connecticut June 2008 Nova Hedwigia Beihefte 136: 325-331.

Tabchnick, K.R., Menshenina, L.R., Pisera, A. & Ehrlich, H. 2011 Revision of the genus Aspidoscopulia Reiswig, 2002 (Porifera: Hexactinellida: Farreidae) with description of two new species. Zootaxa 2883: 1–22.

Konieczynski, K., Pisera, A., Bitner, M.A., and  Galacz, A. 2013. Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) crinoids of the Hidas Valley (Mecsek Mountains, S Hungary) and their biogeographic significance. Swiss J Geosci 106: 109–118. [tekst]

Ehrlich H., Keith Rigby J.,Botting J.P., Tsurkan M.V., Werner C.,Schwille P., Petrasek Z., Pisera A., Simon P., Sivkov V.N., Vyalikh D.V., Molodtsov S.L., Kurek D.,Kammer M., Hunoldt S., Born R., Stawski D., Steinhof A., Bazhenov V.V., Geisler T. 2013. Discovery of 505-million-year old chitin in the basal demosponge Vauxia gracilenta. Scientific Reports 3: 3497.

Hall K.A, Sutcliffe P.R, John N.A., Hooper J.N.A., Alencar A., Vacelet J., Pisera A., Petek S., Folcher E., Butscher J., Orempuller J., Maihota N., Debitus C. 2013. Affinities of sponges (Porifera) of the Marquesas and Society Islands, French Polynesia. Pacific Science 67(4): 493-511. [tekst]

Łukowiak M., Pisera A., O’Dea A. 2013. Do spicules in sediments reflect the living sponge community? A test in a Caribbean shallow-water lagoon. Palaios 28: 373-385.[tekst]

Pisera A., Siver P., Wolfe A. 2013. A first account of freshwater potamolepid sponges (Demospongiae, Spongillina, Potamolepidae) from the middle Eocene: biogeographic and paleoclimatic implications Journal of Paleontology 87: 373-378. [tekst]

McNeill D.& Pisera, A. 2010. Neogene Lithofacies Evolution on a Small carbonate Platform in the Loyalty Basin, Maré, New Caledonia. SEPM Special Publication 95: 232-244. [tekst]

Łukowiak, M., Pisera, A., Schlögl, J. 2014. Bathyal sponges from the late Early Miocene of the Vienna Basin (central Paratethys, Slovakia). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 88, 263–277. [tekst]

Astibia, H., Elorza, H. J., Pisera, A., German A. P., Paros, A. & Silvia Ortiz, S. 2014. Sponges and corals from the Middle Eocene (Bartonian) marly formations of the Pamplona Basin (Navarre, western Pyrenees):taphonomy, taxonomy, and paleoenvironments, Facies 60: 91-110. [tekst]

Frisone, V. Pisera, A., Hajdu, E., Preto, N. Zorzi,F. & Zorzin, R. 2014. Isolated spicules of Demospongiae from Mt. Duello (Eocene, Lesssini Mts, norethern Italy): preserevation, taxonomy and depositional environment. Facies 60: 883-904. [tekst]

Schuster, A., Erpenbeck, D., Pisera, A., Hooper, J., Bryce, M., Fromont, J., Wörheide, G. 2015. Deceptive desmas: molecular phylogenetics suggests a new classification and uncovers convergent evolution of lithistid demosponges. PLOS One 10 (1): e116038. [tekst]

Pisera, A., Pomponi, S.A. 2015. New data on lithistid sponges from the deep Florida shelf with description of a new species of Theonella. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 95(7): 1297-1309. [tekst]

Masse, S., Pisera, A., Laurent, G., & Coradin, T.A. 2016. Solid State NMR Investigation of Recent Marine Siliceous Sponge Spicules. Minerals, 6: 21. [text]
Konieczyński, K., Pisera, A., & Fozy, I. 2016. Early Cretaceous cyrtocrinids (Crinoidea) from the Gerecse Mountains, northern Hungary. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 279/2 (2016): 155–166. [text]
Muricy, G., Domingos, C., Tavora, V.A., Ramalho, L.V., Pisera, A., & Taylor, P. 2016. Hexactinellid sponges reported from shallow waters in the Oligo-Miocene Pirabas Formation (N Brazil) are in fact cheilostome bryozoans. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 71: 387–397. [text]
Astibia, H., Payros, A. Ortiz, S., Elorza, J., Álvarez-Pérez, G., Badiola, A. Bardet, N.A.  Berreteaga, A., Bitner, M.A. Calzada, S., Corral, J.C., Díaz-Martínez, I., Merle, D. Pacaud, J.-M., Pereda-Suberbiola M., Pisera, A., Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J. & Tosquella, J. 2016. Fossil associations from the middle and upper Eocene strata of the Pamplona Basin and surrounding areas (Navarre, western Pyrenees). Journal of Iberian Geology, 42 (1): 7–28.
Frisone, V., Pisera A., & Preto, N. 2016. A highly diverse siliceous sponge fauna (Porifera: Hexactinellida, Demospongiae) from the Eocene of north-eastern Italy: systematics and Palaeoecology. Journal of Systeamtic Palaeontology, 11: 949–1002. [text]
Pisera, A. Siver, P., & Wolfe, A. 2016. The sponge genus Ephydatia from the high-latitude middle Eocene: environmental and evolutionary significance. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, 90: 673–680. [text]
Cohen, B. & Pisera, A. 2017 Crinoid phylogeny: new interpretation of the main Permo-Triassic divergence, comparisons with echinoids and brachiopods, and EvoDevo interpretations of major morphological variations Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 120:38-53.
Łukowiak, M. & Pisera, A. 2017. Bodily preserved Eocene non-lithistid demosponge fauna from southern Australia: taxonomy and affinities Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15: 473-497. [text]
Dohrmann,  M., Kelley, Ch., Kelly, M., Pisera, A., Hooper, J.N.A.,& Reiswig, H.M. 2017. An integrative systematic framework helps to reconstruct skeletal evolution of glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida) Frontiers in Zoology 2017 14:18. [text]
Pronzato, R., Pisera A., & Manconi R. 2017. Fossil freshwater sponges: Taxonomy, geographic distribution, and critical review Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 62: 467-495.  [text]
Hall, K.A., Sutcliffe, P.R., Hooper, J.N.A., Alencar, A., Vacelet, J., Pisera, A., Folcher, E., Bourgeois, B., Butscher, J., Renaud, A., Lerouvreur, F., Fleurisson, D., Orempuller, J., Maihota, N., Levy, P. Hertrich, L. Petek, & S. Debitus, C. 2017. Sponges of Polynesia 827 p.
Cohen, B.L. & Pisera A. 2018. Crinoid phylogeny: response to a challenge. Cahier de Biolologie Marine 59: 53-59

Pisera, A., Łukowiak, M., Fromont, J., Schuster, A. 2018. First record of the genus Vetulina Schmidt, 1879 (Porifera: Demospongiae: Sphaerocladina) from the Indian Ocean with the description of two new species: biogeographic and evolutionary significance. Marine Biodiversity 48: 1529–1539.

Schuster, A., Pisera, A., Kelly, M., Bell, L.J, Shirley A. Pomponi, S.A., Woerheide, G.E, Erpenbeck, D. 2018. New species and a molecular dating analysis of Vetulina Schmidt, 1879 (Porifera: Demospongiae: Sphaerocladina) reveal an ancient relict fauna with Tethys origin. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184: 585–604.

Schuster, A., Cardenas, P., Pisera, A., Pomponi, A., Kelly, M., Woerheide, G.E, Erpenbeck, D. 2018. Seven new deep-water Tetractinellida (Porifera: Demospongiae) from the Galápagos Islands –morphological descriptions and DNA barcodes. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184: 273–303.

Frisone, V., Pisera, A. Preto, N., Kiessling, W. 2018. Biodiversity of museum and bulk field samples compared: The Eocene Chiampo sponge fauna, Lessini Mountains, Italy. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 63(4): 795–805.

Cravalho, F., Pisera, A. 2019. Revision of the genus Exsuperantia Özdikmen, 2009 (Tetractinellida: Phymaraphiniidae) with description of a new species from the Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa 4613 (1): 135–151.

Łukowiak, M., Pisera, A., Stefanska, T. 2019. Uncovering the hidden diversity of Paleogene sponge fauna of the East European Platform through reassessment of the record of isolated spicules. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 64 (4): 871–895.

Frisone V., Preto N., Pisera A., Agnini C., Giusberti L., Papazzoni C.A., De Angeli A., Beschin C., Mietto P., Quaggiotto E., Monaco P., Dominici S., Kiessling W., Luciani V., Roux M., Bosellini F.R. 2020. A first glimpse on the taphonomy and sedimentary environment of the Eocene siliceous sponges from Chiampo, Lessini Mts, NE Italy. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 59 (3): 291–313.

Hoffmann, R., Bitner, M.A., Pisera, A., Jäger, M., Auer, G., Giraldo-Gómez, V., Koči, T., Buckeridge, J., Mueller, M., Stevens, K., Schneider, S. 2020. Late Miocene biota from the Abad Member of the Carboneras-Nijar Basin (Spain, Andalusia): a bathyal fossil assemblage pre-dating the Messinian salinity crisis. Geobios 59: 1–28.

Pisera, A., Siver, P., Mandic, O. 2020. Miocene siliceous microfossils from the open cast coal mine Gračanica (Bugojno paleolake, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and their significance: a preliminary report. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 100(2): 507–517.

Schuster, A Pomponi, SA Pisera, A., Cárdenas, P. 2021. Systematics of 'lithistid' tetractinellid demosponges from the Tropical Western Atlantic—implications for phylodiversity and bathymetric distribution. PeerJ, 9:e10775.

Pisera, A. Gerovasileiou V. 2021. Lithistid Demosponges of Deep-Water Origin in Marine Caves of the North-Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:630900

Schuster, A., Pisera, A., Ekins, M., Debitus, C. 2021. New genus and species of lithistid demosponges from submarine caves in Nuku Hiva (Marquesas Islands) and Tahiti Iti (Society Islands), French Polynesia. The European Zoological Journal 88:1, 749-770.

Pisera, A., Łukowiak, M., Masse., S., Tabachnick, K., Fromont, J., Ehrlich, H. and Bertolino, M. 2021. Insights into the structure and morphogenesis of the giant basal spicule of the glass sponge Monorhaphis chuni. Frontiers in Zoology 18:58

Łukowiak, M., Pisera, A., Stefanska, T., Stefanskyi, V. 2022. High diversity of siliceous sponges in western Tethyan areas during the Eocene: palaeobiogeographical, ecological and taxonomic significance. Papers in Palaeontology 8(1): e1416. [tekst]

Hrabovský, J., Pisera, A., Gischler, E. 2022. A first account of the semi-endophytic coralline algae Lithophyllum cuneatum from the Caribbean Sea and its evolutionary and biogeographic significance. Geologica Carpathica, 73: 81-93.

Pisera A., Hryniewicz K., Bitner M. A. & Kaim, A. 2022. Extant and Fossil Sponges Associated with Hydrothermal Vent and Cold Seep Communities. In: A. Kaim, J. K. Cochran & N. H. Landman (eds), Ancient Hydrocarbon Seeps. Topics in Geobiology 50: 253–266. Springer, Cham. Ancient Hydrocarbon Seeps, 2022.

Pisera, A., Gerovasileiou, V., Digenis, M. 2022. Lithistid sponges from submarine caves of Crete Island: hiddern diversity and false endemicity. Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on the conservation of Dark Habitats (Genoa, Italy, 21-22 September 2022) p. 71-74.

Gerovasileiou, V., Bo, M., Pisera, A. (in press) MC3.531d Facies with lithistid sponges. In: Montefalcone M, Bianchi CN, Bo M, Piazzi L (Eds) Handbook for interpreting types of marine habitats for the selection of sites to be included in the national inventories of natural sites of conservation interest. UNEP-MAP/SPA-RAC, Tunis.


Paluszkiewicz, G. & Pisera, A. 1978. Geological structure and mineral resources of Poland. In: R. Kryza (ed.) Minerlogical excursions in Poland.Guidebook, 57-66. Wrocław (in Polish).

Pisera, A. 1983. Review. Toomey D.F. (Ed) 1981 European fossil reef models. SEPM Spec. Publ. 30. (Review) Przegląd Geologiczny 3: 190.

Pisera, A. 1981. Review. - Malinowska L.(Ed) 1980. Budowa geologiczna Polski. Atlas skamieniałości. Trias. Wyd. Geol. (Review). Kosmos ser. A. 4(171), 405-406.

Pisera, A. 1983. Review. - Judowicz J.E., Majdl T.W. & Ivanova T.I. Gieokhimja stroncja v karbonatnykh otlozhenijakh. Nauka 1981. Przegląd Geologiczny 1: 55-56.

Hoffman, A. & Pisera, A. 1983. Krytycznie o zastosowaniu metody numerycznej w mikropaleontologii (Odpowiedź na artykuł J. Szczechury zamieszczony w nr. 3 Przeglądu Geol. z 1983 r.). Przegląd Geologiczny 5: 306.

Pisera, A. 1990. Upper Miocene cryptalgal-serpulid reefs from Poland: interplay of biological and inorganic factors. IXth Congress RCMNS, Barcelona, 269.

Pisera, A. 1991a. Sclerites of Ordovician echinoderms. Paper review. Acta Palaeontologia Polonica 36: 345.

Pisera, A. 1991b. Middle Triassic siliceous sponges and the origin of Hexactinosa and Lychniscosa. VI. International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria including Archaeocyatha and Porifera, Münster 1991. Abstracts. 70.

Pisera, A. 1991c. Mioceńskie rafy Paratetydy. In: Problematyka batymetrii basenu molasowego w neogenie.67-68. In: Kotlarczyk, J. Paleontologia a batymetria. Materiały XIV Konferencji Paleontologów w Karpatach. Kamionka. 43-45.

Pisera, A. & Studencka, B. 1991. Transgresywne osady badenu w Niechobrzu. Punkt 7. II Wycieczka. Problematyka batymetrii basenu molasowego w neogenie.67-68. In: Kotlarczyk, J. Paleontologia a batymetria. Materiały XIV Konferencji Paleontologów w Karpatach. Kamionka. 67-68.

Matyja, A.B. & Pisera, A. 1991. Late Jurassic European Sponge Megafacies: General Perspective.(Abstr.). 3rd International Symposium on Jurassic Stratigraphy, Poitiers. 81.

Pisera, A. 1993. Siliceous sponges from the Middle Jurassic of the Mecsek Mountains (southern Hungary). 4th International Porifera Congress "Sponges in Time and Space". Book of Abstracts. Amsterdam

Pisera, A. 1994. The role of organic and inorganic components in the formation of the Sarmatian reefs in Poland. Second European meeting of the International Society for Reef Studies, Luxembourg. Program and Abstracts, 103.

Pisera, A. 1995. Hexactinellid sponges from the epicontinental Triassic of Europe. Paper review. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 40: 387-388.

Busquets, P., Pisera, A., Reguant, S. & Serra-Kiel, J. 1995. Biofacies with siliceous sponges, corals, bryozoa and large foraminifera of the outer continental shelf in the Bartonian of the eastern part of Ebro basin in Vic area (Barcelona, Spain). VII International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Abstract. Madrid.

Busquets, P., Pisera, A., Alvarez, G. & Serrra-Kiel, J. 1995. Stop 1.2. Munter: sponges and corals. In: Alvarez et al. Bioconstructions of the Eocene south Pyrenean foreland basin (Vic and Igualada areas) and of the Upper Cretaceous south central Pyrenees (Tremp area). Field Trip C. VII International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Madrid, 45.

Serra-Kiel, J., Reguant, S. & Pisera, A. 1995a. Stop 1.4. Sta Cecilia de Voltrega: Sponge levels. In: Alvarez et al. Bioconstructions of the Eocene south Pyrenean foreland basin (Vic and Igualada areas) and of the Upper Cretaceous south central Pyrenees (Tremp area). Field Trip C. VII International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, 46-47

Serra-Kiel, J., Reguant, S. & Pisera, A. 1995b. Stop 1.5. Gurb-Vespella: Sponges, larger foraminifera and bryozoa facies. In: Alvarez et al. Bioconstructions of the Eocene south Pyrenean foreland basin (Vic and Igualada areas) and of the Upper Cretaceous south central Pyrenees (Tremp area). Field Trip C. VII International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, 47-48

Pisera, A. 1996. Indo-Pacific affinities of the Paratethys contested. Paper Review. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 41, 146-148.

Pisera, A. 1997. Gabki Hexactinellida z Zatoki Admiralicji, Wyspy King George, Antarktyka. 24th Polar Symposium, Abstracts, 52.

Pisera, A. 1998.Setidium obtectum Schmidt, 1879 rediscovered. 5th International Sponge Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, Abstracts, 58-59

Pisera, A. 1998. Meso-Cenozoic history of siliceous sponges with rigid skeleton. 5th International Sponge Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, Abstracts, 57-58.

Pisera, A. 1998a. Setidium obtectum Schmidt, 1879 rediscovered. 5th International Sponge Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, Abstracts, 58-59

Pisera, A. 1998b. Meso-Cenozoic history of siliceous sponges with rigid skeleton. 5th International Sponge Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, Abstracts, 57-58.

Pisera, A. 1999. Późnojurajskie facje gąbkowe i warunki i powstawania. Działaność PAN 7, maj 1999, 89-90.

Pisera, A. 1999a. Eocene sponge faunas from Northern Spain. Abstract. International Symposium on Fossil Porifera and Cnidaria. Sendai, Japan.

Pisera, A. 1999b. Morphology and structure of Mesozo-Cenozoic lithistid sponges: importance for taxonomy. Abstract. International Symposium on Fossil Porifera and Cnidaria. Sendai, Japan.

Gischler & Pisera, A. 1999. Shallow water rhodoliths from belize reefs. Terra Nostra.

Pisera, A. & Levi, C. 2002. Scleritoderma Schmidt, 1879 and Setidium Schmidt, 1879 (Porifera): proposed conservation by the designation of Scleritoderma flabelliformis Sollas 1888 as the type species of Scleritoderma. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 59: 74-76.

Pisera, A. 2006. Late Eocene fauna of lithistid and soft demosponges from SW Australia: a case of exceptional and highly diversified endemic fauna. 7th International Sponge Symposium, Buzios, Brasil. Book of Abstracts 183.

Pisera, A. & Vacelet, J. 2006. Lithistid sponges from submarine caves in the Mediterranean: taxonomy and affinities. 7th International Sponge Symposium, Buzios, Brasil. Book of Abstracts 232.

Pisera, A. & Vacelet, J. 2006. New lithistid sponges from the submarine cave from the Philippines: affinities and evolutionary significance. 7th International Sponge Symposium, Buziom, Brasil. Book of Abstracts 231.

Pisera, A. 2007. Późnoeoceńska fauna gąbek krzemionkowych z SW Australii. In: Zlinska, A. (ed.) 8. Paleontologicka Konferencia. Zbornik Abstraktov, p. 67

Pisera, A., Siver, P. & Wolfe, A. 2008. Middle Eocene freshwater sponges from Canada : preliminary report. 9th Paleontological Conference, Warszawa, 10-11 October 2008. Abstract.

Pisera, A., Niknahad, M., Senowbari-Daryan, B.& Seyed-Emami, K . 2009. Middle Jurassic siliceous sponges from: preliminary report. In Pipik, R.K., Sotak, J. And Stanova, S. (eds),10th Anniversary Conference of the Czech, Polish and Slovak Plaeontologists, Abstracts and Guide of Excursion. October 13-15, 2009, Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic.

Translation of the book by J.D. Macdougal. Krótka Historia Ziemi. Prószyński i Ska 1998. (together with M.A. Bitner).

Pisera, A. & Tabachnick K.R. 2013. Gabki z rodzaju Laocoetis Pomel, 1872 (Hexactinosida, Craticulariidae): zyjace skamieniałosci? In: Aktualizm i antyaktualizm w paleontologii. Materiały konferencyjne. XXII Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Paleontologicznej PTG, Tyniec, 27-30 września 2013: 46.

Debitus, C., Pisera, A., Schuster, A., Al Mourabit, A. Curvat, X., Hertrich, L. 2013. First record of lithistid sponge from the submarine caves from the Nuku Hiva (Marquesas Islands) and Tahiti Iti (Society Islands), French Polynesia. Ninth World Sponge Conference, Fereemantle, Abstracts: 109.

Gomez, O., Alvarez, B., Pisera, A., Schönberg, C., Fromont, J. 2013. Lithistid as habitat: 3 dimensional sponge diversity in the Western Australian tropics. Ninth World Sponge Conference, Fereemantle, Abstracts: 115.

Pisera, A., Kurek, D., Simon, P., Sivkov, V., Tsurkan, M., Wysokowski, M., Ehrlich, H. 2013. Demineralization of Cambrian demosponge Vauxia gracilenta: Isolation and identification of skeletal chitin. 12th International Symposium on Biomineralization (Biomin12) 27 - 30 August 2013 at Freiberg, Saxony/Germany. Abstracts: 29.

Pisera, A., Siver, P. Wolfe, A. 2014. Middle Eocene lake deposits from the Giraffe crater, Northern Canada: a window on freshwater sponge evolution. 4th International Paleontological Congress, The history of life: A view from the Southern Hemispere, Mendoza Sept. 28 – Oct. 3, 2014

Pisera, A. Tabachnick, K. 2014. The sponge genus Laocoetis Pomel, 1972 (Hexactinosida, Craticulariidae): a living fossil? 4th International Paleontological Congress, The history of life: A view from the Southern Hemispere, Mendoza Sept. 28 – Oct. 3, 2014

Pisera, A, Pomponi, S. 2014. New data on lithistid sponges from the deep Florida shelf. International Workshop on Atlanto-Mediterranean Deep-Sea Sponge Fauna, Bergen

Pisera, A., Vacelet, J., Perez T. 2014 From the deep to the shallow: new data on lithistid demosponges from submarine caves of the Northern Atlantic and the Mediterranean International Workshop on Atlanto-Mediterranean Deep-Sea Sponge Fauna, Bergen.

Pisera, A., Siver, P., & Wolfe, A. 2016. The biota of an Arctic Eocene maar lake during a greenhouse environment with an emphasis on the sponges. Program and Abstracts, Lake Basin Evolution. RCMNS Interim Colloquium 2016, Zagreb, Croatia 2024 May.

Pisera, A., Łukowiak, M., & Fromont, J. 2016. First record of the genus Vetulina (Porifera: Demospongiae: Sphaerocladina) from the Indian Ocean with the description of two new species: biogeographic and evolutionary significance . 3rd International Workshop on Taxonomy of Atlanto-Mediterranean Deep-Sea Sponges, Programme and Book of Abstracts, 6-11 June, Gijon Spain.

Schuster, A. Cárdenas, P., Pisera, A., Pomponi, S., Kelly, M., Wörheide, G. & Erpenbeck, D. 2016. Deep-water tetractinellids from the Galápagos Islands: Integrative taxonomy reveals seven new species. 3rd International Workshop on Taxonomy of Atlanto-Mediterranean Deep-Sea Sponges Programme and Book of Abstracts, 6–11 June, Gijon Spain.

Łukowiak, M, Stefanskaja T , Pisera A.  2017. Siliceous Sponges from the Upper Eocene of Eastern Central Ukraine. 10th World Sponge Conference NUI  Abstracts p. 157.

Pisera, A., Łukowiak, M., Tabachnick, K., Ehrlich, H. 2017. The giant basal spicule of Monorhaphis sponge revisited; 10th World Sponge Conference NUI  Abstracts p. 196

Pisera, A., Łukowiak, M., Ghuzov, A. 2017. Minchinellid Sponge (Calcarea, Lithonida, Minchinellidae) from the Oxfordian (Late Jurasssic) of Russia; 10th World Sponge Conference NUI  Abstracts p. 170.

Pisera, A., Tabachnick, K. 2017. The Sponge Genus Laocoetis Pomel 1872 (Hexactinellida, Hexactinosida): a Case of Extreme Morphological Conservatism. 10th World Sponge Conference NUI  Abstracts p. 169.

Schuster, A., Pisera, A.,  Kelly, M.  Pomponi, S. A., Wörheide, G., Erpenbeck, D. 2017. The Western Tropical Atlantic ‘ring’ of rock sponges – A molecular phylogenetic approach using four different markers (28S, 18S, ITS and CO1) 10th World Sponge Conference NUI  Absracts, p. 174

Schuster, A. Cárdenas, P.  Pisera, A., Kelly, M., Pomponi, S. A.,. Wörheide, G.,  Erpenbeck, D.. 2017. Deep-water tetractinellid sponges from the Galápagos Islands: first molecular and morphological analysis reveals seven new species.  10th World Sponge Conference NUI Abstracts p. 175

Schuster, A. Pomponi, S. A., Pisera, A., Kelly, M., Wörheide, G. Erpenbeck, D. 2017. Morphological descriptions of the ‘lithistid demosponge’ fauna (Porifera, Tetractinellida and Sphaerocladina) from the Western Tropical Atlantic 10th World Sponge Conference NUI Galway Abstracts p. 175

Pisera, A. 2017. Diversity of Deep-Water Lithistids of the Tropical Western Atlantic: Are They Really Isolated Survivors? 10th World Sponge Conference NUI  Abstracts p. 50.

Frisone, V.  Pisera, A.,  Preto, N., Kiessling, W.2017. Diversity analysis of a fossil sponge fauna (Hexactinellida and Demospongiae) from Italy (Eocene, Lessini Mts) 10th World Sponge Conference NUI  Abstracts p. 46.

Pisera, A., Łukowiak, M., Tabachnick, K., Ehrlich, H. 2017. The giant basal spicule of Monorhaphis sponge revisited;  Silicon, Silica & their Isotopes IBISJune 13-15, 2017 2017, Blanes, Spain.Abstracts p. 33.



Andrzej Pisera
Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
ul. Twarda 51/55
00-818 Warszawa, POLSKA
tel. (+4822) 6978-871; pokój 637