Department of Evolutionary Paleobiology

Jerzy DZIK

, Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor

Trace and skeletal fossils at the Ediacarian-Cambrian transition; Famennian conodont apparatuses and ammonoids


Personal data

Jerzy Dzik
born in 1950, Jedlicze Łódzkie, Poland
married, two children

Titles and memberships
  • 2013 Full Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • 1998 Corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • 1993 Professor of paleontology
  • 1986 Doctor habilitatus degree in geology at Warsaw University (evolutionary biogeography of conodonts)
  • 1979 Doctoral degree at Zakład Paleobiologii PAN (phylogeny of nautiloids)
  • 1973  Master of Science in zoology at Warsaw University (fossil millipeds)

  • 1995, 1989-90 Tübingen (Alexander von Humboldt scholarship)
  • 1991 Southampton
  • 1987 Halle/Saale, Freiburg, Berlin
  • 1980 Uppsala
  • 1981/82 Columbus, Ohio (postdoctoral fellowship)

Research grants and scientific expeditions
  • 2006 leader of field expedition to the Karatau Jurassic Lake, Kazakhstan
  • 2000-2002 leader of research grant from the Polish Commitee of Scientific Research on Ediacaran taphonomy and paleontology, including expedition to Khorbusuonka in northern Yakutia; also trip to the Zimnie Gory locality at the White Sea shore.
  • 1997 leader of a research grant on Ediacarian organisms from northern Russia (a Russian scientist employed) and Namibia (results published in Geology 27, 519-522 and Historical Biology 13, 255-268)
  • 1995 organizer of an expedition to the Middle Cambrian Kaili Locality of soft-bodied organisms, Guizhou, China (results published in Nature 377, 720-722 and Palaeontology 40, 385-396)
  • 1994 member of an expedition to the Karatau Range, Kazakhstan organized by the Instytut Paleobiologii PAN and Geological Institute, Alma-Ata
  • 1987 member of an expedition to the Lena River section of the Early Cambrian, Siberia, organized by the Paleontological Institute, Moscow
  • 1975/76 member of a biological research cruise to Antarctica to study pelagic marine ecosystems

Editorial work
  • 1998-present editor of Palaeontologia Polonica (monograph series established 1929).
  • 1991-1996 editor of Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (indexed in SCI)

  • 2005- full professorship in the Institute of Zoology of Warsaw University; lectures on zoology and evolution
  • 1998-2005, 2007 lecture on evolutionary theory at Warsaw University
  • 1993, 1983 lecture on evolutionary paleontology at Warsaw University
  • 1992-1994 lecture on evolutionary geochronology at the Silesian University in Sosnowiec
  • 1983-1989 lectures of paleobiology at Łódź University

  • 2020 Ewolucja. Twórcza moc selekcji. 258 pp. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa
  • 2017. Biologia czyli sens życia (In Polish; Biology or the Meaning of Life). 172 pp. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa
  • 2015. Zoologia. Różnorodność i pokrewieństwa zwierząt (In Polish; Zoology: Diversity and Relationships of Animals). 252 pp. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
  • 1997 Ewolucja życia. Wielka Encyklopedia Geografii Świata, Vol. 8 (In Polish; Evolution of Life, a volume of a large encyclopedia), 360 pp. Kurpisz, Poznań
  • 1992 Dzieje życia na Ziemi. Wprowadzenie do paleobiologii (In Polish; History of Life on the Earth: an Introduction to Paleobiology; textbook of paleobiology) 447 pp. PWN, Warszawa (first edition listed among bestsellers in 1992, second modified edition of 1997, 515 pp, third edition of 2003, 523 pp.)

  • Phylogeny of invertebrates and early chordates based on paleontological evidence, with special value given to the stratigraphic order of appearances. At present the research is based on Precambrian materials from northern Russia, early Cambrian from Kazakhstan and Siberia, and Ordovician from Poland.
  • Methodology of reconstructing evolution from fossils and its paleontological record at the population level.
  • Conodonts from the Devonian of Poland and the Ordovician of Ukraine and Austria have been used in studies of this kind. The conodont materials offer large samples with precise geological time control and a large amount of anatomical information in statistically restored apparatuses.

  • 2017 evidence that tetraradial symmetry of medusae and polyps is evolutionarily late and preceded by biradial symmetry of ancestral polyps (with Andrzej Baliński and Yuanli Sun)
  • 2008 abrupt change in ontogeny of extinct conodont chordates calibrated in days (owing to rhythmic skeletal increments) and shown to evolve gradually for a few million years
  • 2005 evidence presented that the origin of protective mineral skeletons and infaunal life (but not infaunal feeding) of the metazoans near the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary was simultaneous, presumably caused by predation (“the Verdun Syndrome”)
  • 2003 discovery of the oldest herbivorous member of the dinosaur lineage; interpretation of the Ediacaran environment as poisonous, inhabited only by chemoautotrophic petalonamean "sea pens", the dipleurozoans being alien to it.
  • 1999 a model of morphogenesis of ancestral skeletal structures in chordates (based on imprints of epithelial cells in conodonts) and evidence that the conodont apparatuses bore keratinous caps homologous to the myxinoid jaws (Evolutionary Biology 31, 105-154)
  • 1999 evidence that the Ediacaran dickinsoniids were complex metazoans forming a monophyletic group Dipleurozoa together with Spriggina and several other Precambrian organisms (Historical Biology 13, 255-268)
  • 1999 taphonomic reinterpretation of Namibian Ernietta showing that its morphology is a result of sedimentary processes, does not represent the actual anatomy, and the body walls were collagenous indicating metazoan affinities of the Ediacaran organisms (Geology 27, 519-522)
  • 1995 identification of the early Cambrian Chengjiang Yunnanozoon as the oldest chordate (Nature 377, 720-722; Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 40, 341-360)
  • 1994 evidence that the "early Cambrian explosion" is of taphonomic nature (Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 39, 3, 247-313)
  • 1993 evidence that the alleged Cambrian and Precambrian medusoid cnidarians represent other phyla (i.a., the lophophorate class Eldonioidea) and that the anatomy of the oldest cnidarians was much more complex than expected, with cnidocysts missing or unnefficient (Evolutionary Biology 27, 339-386)
  • 1991 scenario of the evolution of oral apparatuses of conodonts (Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 36, 3, 265-323) and identification of solitary ancestors of the Bryozoa.
  • 1990 evidence that most of Ordovician conodont lineages had their roots in temperate climatic zone (Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 117, 1-28)
  • 1989 evidence that the nemathelminthes, lobopodians, tardigrades and arthropods form a monophyletic group (based on restored anatomy of the earliest onychophoran Xenusion), and an evolutionary scenario for the origin of walking appendages in articulates (Lethaia 22, 169-181)
  • 1981 physiologic explanation of the origin of phragmocone in the earliest cephalopods and interpretation of their jaws as a modified operculum (Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 26, 161-191)
  • 1978 evidence that hyoliths had larval development typical of early molluscs (Lethaia 11, 293-299)
  • 1976 reconstruction of three-dimensional organization of the conodont oral apparatus (now generally accepted) based on modelling directions of deformation in fossil material (Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 21, 395-455)
  • 1975 evidence presented that polymorphism in the cheilostomatous Bryozoa developed gradually and an attempt of its physiological interpretation as a result of divergent evolution of duplicated gene sets controlling late ontogeny (Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 20, 395-423)

Completed PhDs

  • Andrzej Boczarowski
  • Andrzej Kaim
  • Tomasz Sulej
  • Aleksandra Skawina
  • Grzegorz Niedźwiecki
  • Mateusz Tałanda
  • Rafał Piechowski
  • Łukasz Czepiński
  • Przemysław Świś


Scientific papers

1. Dzik, J. 1975a. Spiroboloid millipeds from the Late Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. Palaeontologia Polonica 33, 17-24. [Full text - PDF]

2. Dzik, J. 1975b. The origin and early phylogeny of the cheilostomatous Bryozoa. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 20, 3, 395-423. [Full text - PDF]

3. Dzik, J. 1976a. Konodontowa biostratygrafia ordowickich wapieni z Mójczy. Materiały do II Naukowej Konferencji Paleontologów, Kielce. 24-25

4. Dzik, J. 1976b. Remarks on the evolution of Ordovician conodonts. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 21, 4, 395-455. [Full text - PDF]

5. Dzik, J. 1978a. A myodocopid ostracode with preserved appendages from the Upper Jurassic of the Volga River Region (USSR). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1978, 7, 393-399.

6. Dzik, J. 1978b. Larval development of hyolithids. Lethaia 11, 3, 293-299. [Full text - PDF]

7. Dzik, J. 1978c. Conodont biostratigraphy and paleogeographical relations of the Ordovician Mójcza Limestone (Holy Cross Mts., Poland). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 23, 1, 51-72. [Full text - PDF]

8. Dzik, J. & Jażdżewski, K. 1978. The euphausiid species of the Antarctic region. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 25, 3, 589-605. [Full text - PDF]

9. Jażdżewski, K., Dzik, J., Porębski, J., Rakusa-Suszczewski, S., Witek, Z., & Wolnomiejski, N. 1978. Biological and populational studies on krill near South Shetland Islands, Scotia Sea and South Georgia in the summer 1976. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 25, 3, 607-631

10. Dzik, J. 1979. Some terebratulid populations from the Lower Kimmeridgian of Poland and their relations to the biotic environment. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 24, 4, 473-492. [Full text - PDF]

11. Pisera, A. & Dzik, J. 1979. Tithonian crinoids from Rogoźnik (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Poland) and their evolutionary relationships. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 72, 3, 805-849.

12. Dzik, J. 1980a. Isolated mandibles of early Palaeozoic phyllocarid Crustacea. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1980, 2, 87-106.

13. Dzik, J. 1980b. Ontogeny of Bactrotheca and related hyoliths. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 102, 3, 223-233. [Full text - PDF]

14. Dzik, J. & Trammer, J. 1980. Gradual evolution of conodontophorids in the Polish Triassic. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 25, 1, 55-89. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

15. Dzik, J. 1981a. Wiek formacji skalskiej dewonu świętokrzyskiego. Przegląd geologiczny 29, 3, 125-128. [Full text - PDF]

16. Dzik, J. 1981b. An Early Triassic millipede from Siberia and its evolutionary significance. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1981, 7, 395-404.

17. Dzik, J. 1981c. Evolutionary relationships of Early Palaeozoic 'cyclostomatous' Bryozoa. Palaeontology 24, 4, 827-861.

18. Dzik, J. 1981d. Origin of the Cephalopoda. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 26, 2, 161-191.[ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

19. Dzik. J, 1981e. Larval development, musculature, and relationships of Sinuitopsis and related Baltic bellerophonts. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 61, 111-121. [Full text - PDF]

20. Dzik, J. 1982. Sukcesja zlepów ostrygowych na miękkim dnie. Przegląd geologiczny 30, 6, 280-286. [Full text - PDF]

21. Dzik, J. 1983a. Larval development and relationships of Mimospira - a presumably hyperstrophic Ordovician gastropod. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 104, 3, 231-239. [Full text - PDF]

22. Dzik, J. 1983b. Relationships between Baltic and North American Midcontinent Ordovician conodont faunas. Fossils and Strata 15, 59-85. [Full text - PDF]

23. Dzik, J. 1983c. Early Ordovician conodont biogeography of the central Europe. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 15, 208, 13214.

24. Dzik, J. 1984a. Phylogeny of the Nautiloidea. Palaeontologia Polonica 45, 1-255. [Full text - PDF 21.8MB]

25. Dzik, J. 1984b. Early Ordovician conodonts from the Barrandian and Bohemian-Baltic faunal relationships. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 28, 3, 327-368. [Full text - PDF]

26. Dzik, J. 1985. Typologic versus population concepts of chronospecies: implications for ammonite biostratigraphy. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 30, 1/2, 71-92. [Full text - PDF]

27. Dzik, J. 1986a. Uncalcified cephalopod jaws from the Middle Jurassic of Poland. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1986, 7, 405-417. [Full text - PDF]

28. Dzik, J. 1986b. Turrilepadida and other Machaeridia. In: A. Hoffman & M.H. Nitecki (eds) Problematic Fossil Taxa, 116-134. Oxford University Press, New York. [Full text - PDF]

29. Dzik, J. 1986c. Chordate affinities of the conodonts. In: A. Hoffman & M.H. Nitecki (eds) Problematic Fossil Taxa, 240-254. Oxford University Press, New York. [Full text - PDF]

30. Wake, D.B., Connor, E.F., de Ricqles, A.J., Dzik, J., Fisher, D.C., Gould, S.J., LaBarbera, M.C., Meeter, D.A., Mosbrugger, V., Reif, W.E., Rieger, R.M., Seilacher, A., & Wagner, G.P. 1986. Directions in the history of life. In: D. Raup & D. Jablonski (eds) Patterns and Processes in the History of Life, 47-67. Dahlem Konferenzen. Springer Verlag, Berlin.

31. Dzik, J. & Drygant, D. 1986. The apparatus of panderodontid conodonts. Lethaia 19, 2, 133-141. [Text - journal site]

32. Dzik, J. 1987. Population variability of Paleozoic nautiloids: a reply to Turek & Marek (1986). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 61, 3/4, 223-227.[Full text - PDF]

33. Dzik, J. 1988. Przemiany świata żywego oceanów. Rozwój szaty roślinnej na lądach. Historia świata zwierząt kręgowych. Mechanizmy przemian biosfery. Oświata i Wychowanie 1988, 3, 21-36.

34. Dzik, J. & Lendzion, K. 1988. The oldest arthropods of the East European Platform. Lethaia 21, 1, 29-38.[Full text - PDF]

35. Dzik, J. & Krumbiegel, G. 1989. The oldest 'onychophoran' Xenusion: a link connecting phyla? Lethaia 22, 2, 169-181. [Text - PDF]

36. Dzik, J. 1990a. The concept of chronospecies in ammonites. In: Pallini, G. et al. (eds.) Atti del secondo convegno internazionale Fossili Evoluzione Ambiente, Pergola 25-30 ottobre 1987, 273-289. Pergola PS. [Full text - PDF]

37. Dzik, J. 1990b. Conodont evolution in high latitudes of the Ordovician. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 117, 1-28. [Full text - PDF]

38. Dzik, J. 1991a. Is fossil evidence consistent with traditional views of the early Metazoan phylogeny? In: S. Conway Morris & A. Simonetta (eds) The Early Evolution of Metazoa and Significance of Problematic Taxa. 47-56. Cambridge University Press. [Full text - PDF]

39. Dzik, J. 1991b. Dzik, J. 1991b. Ammonite Acrochordiceras in the Middle Triassic of Silesia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 35, 1-2, 46-65.[Full text - PDF]

40. Dzik, J. 1991c. Possible solitary bryozoan ancestors from the early Palaeozoic and the affinities of the Tentaculita. In: F.P. Bigey & J.-L. d'Hondt (eds) Bryozoaires actuels et fossiles: Bryozoa Living and Fossil. Societe des Sciences Naturelles de l'Ouest de la France, Memoire hors serie 1, 121-131.[Full text - PDF]

41. Dzik, J. 1991d. Features of the fossil record of evolution. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 36, 2, 91-113.[ABSTRACT]

42. Dzik, J. 1991e. Evolution of oral apparatuses in conodont chordates. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 36, 3, 265-323. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

43. Dzik, J. 1992a. Dzieje życia na Ziemi. Wprowadzenie do paleobiologii. 447 pp. Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Warszawa.

44. Dzik, J. 1992b Early astogeny and relationships of the Ordovician rhabdomesid bryozoans. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 37, 1, 37-54. [Full text - PDF]

45. Dzik, J. & Korn, D. 1992. Devonian ancestors of Nautilus. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 66, 1/2, 81-98. [Full text - PDF]

46. Dzik, J. 1993. Early metazoan evolution and the meaning of its fossil record. Evolutionary Biology 27, 339-386. [Text - journal site]

47. Dzik. J. & Orłowski, S. 1993. The late Cambrian eocrinoid Cambrocrinus. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 38, 1/2, 21-34.[Full text - PDF]

48. Dzik, J. 1994a Conodonts of the Mójcza Limestone. In: J. Dzik, E. Olempska, & A. Pisera. Ordovician carbonate platform of the Holy Cross Mountains. Palaeontologia Polonica 53, 43-128.  [Full text - PDF]

49. Dzik, J. 1994b. Machaeridia, chitons, and conchiferan molluscs of the Mojcza Limestone. In J. Dzik, E. Olempska, & A. Pisera. Ordovician carbonate platform of the Holy Cross Mountains. Palaeontologia Polonica 53, 213-252. [Full text - PDF]

50. Dzik, J. 1994c. Bryozoa of the Mojcza Limestone. In: J. Dzik, E. Olempska, & A. Pisera. Ordovician carbonate platform of the Holy Cross Mountains. Palaeontologia Polonica 53, 253-282. [Full text - PDF]

51. Dzik, J. 1994d. Evolution of 'small shelly fossils' assemblages of the early Paleozoic. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 38, 3, 247-313. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

52. Dzik, J. & Pisera, A. 1994. The Mójcza Limestone and its sedimentation. In: J. Dzik, E. Olempska, & A. Pisera. Ordovician carbonate platform ecosystem of the Holy Cross Mountains. Palaeontologia Polonica 53, 5-41.[Full text - PDF]

53. Dzik, J. & Kiseliev, G. 1995. The Baltic nautiloids Cyrtoceras ellipticum Lossen 1860, C. priscum Eichwald 1840, and Orthoceras damesi Krause 1870. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 69, 59-69.       [Full text - PDF]

54. Dzik. J. 1995. Range-based biostratigraphy and evolutionary geochronology. Paleopelagos Special Publication 1, 121-128. [Full text - PDF]

55. Dzik. J. 1995. Sexual dimorphism in the virgatitid ammonites. Paleopelagos Special Publication 1, 129-141. [Full text - PDF]

56. Dzik, J. & Orłowski, S. 1995. Primitive ctenocystoid echinoderm from the earliest Middle Cambrian of Poland. Annales de Paléontologie 81, 17-35. [Full text - PDF]

57. Chen, J.y., Dzik, J., Edgecombe, G.D., Ramsköld, L., & Zhou, G.-q. 1995. A possible Early Cambrian chordate. Nature 377, 720-722. [Text - journal site]

58. Dzik, J. 1995. Yunnanozoon and the ancestry of chordates. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 40, 341-360. [ABSTRACT]

59. Dzik, J. 1996. Dzieje życia na Ziemi. Wprowadzenie do paleobiologii. Wydanie 2., zmienione i poprawione. 515 pp. Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Warszawa.

60. Dzik, J. 1997. Wczesna filogeneza zwierząt tkankowych w zapisie kopalnym. Kosmos 45, 4, 657-686

61. Dzik, J. 1997. Emergence and succession of Carboniferous conodont and ammonoid communities in the Polish part of the Variscan sea. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 42, 57-170.[Full text - PDF]

62. Dzik, J., Zhao Yuanlong, & Zhu Maoyan 1997. Mode of life of the Middle Cambrian eldonioid lophophorate Rotadiscus. Palaeontology 40, 385-396.

63. Dzik, J. 1998a. Wielka Encyklopedia Geografii Świata, tom VIII. Ewolucja życia. 359 pp. Wydawnictwo Kurpisz, Poznań.

64. Dzik, J. 1998b. Organic membraneous skeleton in the Vendian Petalonamae from Namibia. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, North-Central Section (No. 9771), 15.

65. Dzik J. 1998c. Conodont record of the Late Ordovician glaciations of Gondwana. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, North-Central Section (No. 1434), 15.

66. Dzik, J. 1999a Relationship between rates of speciation and phyletic evolution: Stratophenetic data on pelagic conodont chordates and benthic ostracods. Geobios 32, 205-221. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

67. Dzik, J. 1999b. Związek między tempem specjacji a zmianami środowiska. Przegląd Geologiczny 47, 329-337.

68. Dzik, J. 1999c. Zespoły konodontów jako wskaźnik zmian klimatu podczas późnoordowickiej epoki lodowej. Przegląd Geologiczny 47, 349-353.

69. Dzik, J. 1999d. The Ordovician of the Holy Cross Mountains. Excursion 1, day 1, stop 1: Mójcza. Excursion 1, day 1, stop 2: Zalesie Nowe. Excursion 1, day 2, stop 4: Międzygórz. In: J. Dzik, U. Lindemann, & T. Heuse (eds) International Symposium on the Ordovician System, ISOS Prague 1999, Pre-Conference Fieldtrip. Excursion Guide Poland and Germany 3-13, 18-23.

70. Dzik, J. 1999e. Organic membranous skeleton of the Precambrian metazoans from Namibia. Geology 27, 519-522. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

71. Dzik, J. 1999f. Evolutionary origin of asymmetry in early metazoan animals. In: G. Palyi, C. Zucchi, & L. Caglioti (eds) Advances in Biochirality 153-190. Elsevier Science S.A. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

72. Dzik, J. 1999g. Evolution of the Late Ordovician high-latitude conodonts and dating of Gondwana glaciations. Bolletino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana 37, 237-253. [Full text - PDF]

73. Simonetta, A.M., Pucci, A., & Dzik, J. 1999. Hypotheses on the origin and early evolution of chordates in the light of recent zoological and palaeontological evidence. Italian Journal of Zoology 66, 99-119. [ABSTRACT]

74. Dzik, J. & Ivantsov, A. Y. 1999. An asymmetric segmented organism from the Vendian of Russia and the status of the Dipleurozoa. Historical Biology 13, 255-268. [Text - journal site]

75. Dzik, J. 2000. The origin of the mineral skeleton in chordates. Evolutionary Biology 31, 105-154. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

76. Dzik, J., Sulej, T., Kaim, A., and Niedźwiedzki, R. 2000. Późnotriasowe cmentarzysko lądowych czworonogów w Krasiejowie na Śląsku Opolskim (Late Triassic graveyard of large Triassic tetrapods in the Opole Silesia). Przegląd Geologiczny 48, 226-235. [ABSTRACT]

77. Dzik, J. 2001. A new Paleorhinus fauna in the early Late Triassic of Poland. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21, 625-627. [ABSTRACT] [Text - journal site]

78. Dzik, J. & Gaździcki, A. 2001. The Eocene expansion of nautilids to high latitudes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 172, 297-312. [Full text - PDF]

79. Dzik, J. 2002. Early diversification of organisms in the fossil record. In: G. Palyi, C. Zucchi, & L. Caglioti (eds) Fundamentals of Life 219-248. Elsevier Science S.A., Paris. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

80. Dzik, J. 2002. Possible ctenophoran affinities of the Precambrian “sea-pen” Rangea. Journal of Morphology 252, 315-334 [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

81. Dzik, J. Ivantsov, A.Yu. 2002. Internal anatomy of a new Precambrian dickinsoniid dipleurozoan from northern Russia. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

82. Dzik, J. 2002. Emergence and collapse of the Frasnian conodont and ammonoid communities in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47, 565-650.[ABSTRACT]

83. Dzik, J. 2003. Early Cambrian lobopodian sclerites and associated fossils from Kazakstan. Palaeontology 46, 1-20. [ABSTRACT][Full text - PDF]

84. Dzik, J. 2003. Anatomical information content in the Ediacaran fossils and their possible zoological affinities. Integrative and Comparative Biology 43, 114-126 [ABSTRACT][Full text - PDF]

85. Dzik, J. 2003. A beaked herbivorous archosaur with dinosaur affinities from the early Late Triassic of Poland. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23, 556-574 [ABSTRACT] [Text - journal site]

86. Dzik, J. 2003. Dzieje życia na Ziemi. Wprowadzenie do paleobiologii. Wydanie 3., unowocześnione. 523 pp. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Warszawa. [CONTENTS]

87. Dzik, J. 2004. Anatomy and relationships of the Early Cambrian worm Myoscolex. Zoologica Scripta 32, 56-69. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

88. Dzik, J. & Sulej, T. 2004. Pierwszy polski dinozaur. 80 pp, Śląskie Wydawnictwo ADAN, Opole.

89. Dzik, J., Ivantsov, A.Yu., & Deulin, Y.V. 2005. Oldest shrimp and associated phyllocarid from the Lower Devonian of northern Russia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 142, 83-90. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

90. Dzik, J. 2005a. The chronophyletic approach: stratophenetics facing an incomplete fossil record. Special Papers in Palaeontology 73, 159-183. [ABSTRACT][Full text - PDF]

91. Dzik, J. 2005b. Behavioral and anatomical unity of the earliest burrowing animals and the cause of the ‘Cambrian explosion’. Paleobiology 31, 507-525. [Full text - PDF]

92. Rolfe W.D.I. & Dzik, J. 2006. Angustidontus, a Late Devonian pelagic predatory crustacean. Transactions of the Royal Ssociety of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 97, 75-96. [ABSTRACT][Full text - PDF]

93. Dzik, J. 2006. The Famennian „Golden Age” of conodonts and ammonoids in the Polish part of the Variscan sea. Palaeontologia Polonica 63, 1-359. [ABSTRACT]

94. Dzik, J. 2007. The Verdun Syndrome: Simultaneous origin of protective armor and infaunal shelters at the Precambrian-Cambrian transition. In: P. Vickers-Rich & P. Komarower (eds) The Rise and Fall of the Ediacaran Biota. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 286, 405-414. [ABSTRACT] [Full text - PDF]

95. Dzik, J. & Sulej, T. 2007. A review of the early Late Triassic Krasiejów biota from Silesia, Poland. Palaeontologia Polonica 64, 3-27. [ABSTRACT]

96. Dzik, J. 2008. Taphonomy and anatomy of the Ediacarans.Geophysical Research Abstracts,Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-01357, 2008 [ABSTRACT]

97. Dzik, J. 2008. Evolution of morphogenesis in 360 million year old conodont chordates calibrated in days. Evolution and Development 10, 769-777 [ABSTRACT] [Full_text - PDF]

98. Servais, T. (co-ordinator) , Dzik, J., Fatka, O. Heuse, T., Vecoli, M. & Verniers, J. 2008. Ordovician. In T. McCann (ed.) The Geology of Central Europe. Volume 1. Precambrian and Palaeozoic. 203-248. The Geological Society, London.

99. Dzik, J., Sulej, T., & Niedźwiedzki, G. 2008. A dicynodont-theropod association in the latest Triassic of Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53, 733-738. [Full_text - PDF]

100. Dzik, J. 2008. Gill structure and relationships of the Triassic cycloid crustaceans. Journal of Morphology 269, 1501-1519. [ABSTRACT] [Full_text - PDF]

101. Dzik, J. 2009. Conodont affinity of the enigmatic Carboniferous chordate Conopiscius. Lethaia 42, 31-38 [Full_text - PDF].

102. Dzik, J. 2010. Brachiopod identity of the alleged Late Cambrian monoplacophoran ancestors of cephalopods. Malacologia 52, 97-113. [Full_text - PDF]

103. Piechowski, R. & Dzik, J. 2010. The axial skeleton of Silesaurus opolensis. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30, 1127-1141. [Full_text - PDF]

104. Dzik, J., Sulej, T., Niedzwiedzki, G., & Malakhov, D.V. 2010. Possible link connecting reptilian scales with avian feathers from the early Late Jurassic of Kazakstan. Historical Biology 22, 394-402. [Full_text - PDF]

105. Dzik, J. 2011. The xenusian-to-anomalocaridid transition within the lobopodians. Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 50, 65-74. [Full_text - PDF]

106. Skawina, A. & Dzik, J. 2011. Umbonal musculature and relationships of the Late Triassic filibranch unionoid bivalves. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 163, 863-883.[Full_text - PDF]

107. Dzik, J. 2011. Dzieje życia na Ziemi. Wprowadzenie do paleobiologii. Wydanie 4., zmienione. 560 pp. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Warszawa.

108. Dzik, J. 2011. Possible Ediacaran ancestry of the halkieriids. Palaeontographica Canadiana 31, 205-217.[Full_text - PDF]

109. Baliński, A., Sun, Y. & Dzik, J. 2012. 470-million-year-old black corals from China. Naturwissenschaften 99, 645-653. [Full_text - PDF]

110. Niedźwiedzki, G., Sulej, T., & Dzik, J. 2012. A large predatory archosaur from the Late Triassic of Poland. ActaPalaeontologica Polonica 57, 267–276. [Full text - PDF]

111. Baliński, A., Sun Y., & Dzik, J. 2013. Traces of marine nematodes from 470 million years old Early Ordovician rocks in China. Nematology 15, 567-574. [Full_text - PDF]

112. Dzik, J. & Mazurek, D. 2013. Affinities of the alleged earliest Cambrian gastropod Aldanella. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91, 914–923. [Full_text - PDF]

113. Baliński A., Sun Y., & Dzik, J. 2014. Probable advanced hydroid from the Early Ordovician of China. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 88, 1-10. [Full text - PDF]

114. Piechowski, R., Tałanda, M., & Dzik, J. 2014. Population variability and ontogeny of the Late Triassic dinosauriform Silesaurus opolensis. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34, 1383-1393. [Full text - PDF]

115. Dzik, J. 2015. Evolutionary roots of the conodonts with increased number of elements in the apparatus. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 106, 29–53. [Full text - PDF]

116. Dzik, J. 2015. Zoologia. Różnorodność i pokrewieństwa zwierząt. [Zoology: Diversity and relationships of animals, in Polish]. 252 pp. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

117. Dzik, J. & Moskalenko, T.A. 2016. Problematic scale-like fossils from the Ordovician of Siberia with possible affinities to vertebrates. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 279, 251–260. [Full text - PDF]

118. Dzik, J., Baliński, A. & Sun, Y. 2016. An Early Ordovician clonal organism from China with a zig-zagged suture on branches. Bulletin of Geosciences 91(2), 319–329. [Full text - PDF]

119. Dzik, J. & Phong, N.D. 2016. Dating of Cambrian-Ordovician boundary strata in northernmost Vietnam and methodological aspects of evolutionary biostratigraphic inference. Stratigraphy 13, 83-93. [Full text - PDF]

120. Dzik, J. & Sulej, T. 2016. An early Late Triassic long-necked reptile with a bony pectoral shield and gracile appendages. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 61, 805-823. [Full text - PDF]

121. Dzik, J., Baliński A. & Sun, Y. 2017. The origin of tetraradial symmetry in cnidarians. Lethaia 50, 306–321.  [Full text - PDF]

122. Dzik, J. & Martyshyn, A. 2017. Hydraulic sediment penetration and seasonal growth of petalonamean basal discs from the Vendian of Ukraine. Precambrian Research 302, 140–149.  [Full text - PDF]

123. Dzik, J. 2017. Biologia czyli sens życia. 172 pp. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa.

124. Dzik,  J. 2017. Darwinian evolution of the human body and culture. 55-77. In Fuller, M., Evers, D., Runehov, A., & Sæther, K.-W. (Eds.) Issues in Science and Theology: Are We Special? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology. Springer, Cham. [Full text - PDF]

125. Dzik, J., Świś, P., & Phong, N.D. 2018. The Frasnian-Famennian boundary in Vietnam and evolutionary meaning of FADs and LADs. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 51, 327–342. [Full text - PDF]

126. Dzik, J., 2020: Decline in diversity of early Palaeozoic loosely coiled gastropod protoconchs. Lethaia 53, 32–46. [Full text - PDF] [Supplementary - PDF]

127. Dzik, J. 2020. Variability of conch morphology in a cephalopod species from the Cambrian to Ordovician transition strata of Siberia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65, 149–165. [Full text - PDF]

128. Dzik, J. 2020. Ordovician conodonts and the Tornquist Lineament. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 549, 109157. [Full text - PDF]

129. Dzik, J. 2020. Ewolucja. Twórcza moc selekcji. 258 pp. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa.

130. Dzik, J. 2021. Protaspis larva of an aglaspidid-like arthropod from the Ordovician of Siberia and its habitat. Arthropod Structure and Development 63, 101062. [Full text - PDF][Supplement - PDF][Corrigendum- PDF]

131. Świś, P. & Dzik, J. 2021. The oral apparatus composition of the Early Carboniferous elictognathid conodont ‘Siphonodella’. Lethaia 54, 341‒353. [Full text - PDF]

132. Dzik, J., Phong, N.D.,Thuy, N.T. & Świś, P. 2022. Evolution and migration of conodonts and ammonoids near the end of Devonian recorded in distant localities. Stratigraphy 19, 27–50. [Full text - PDF]

133. Dzik, J. 2023. Dzieje życia na Ziemi. Wprowadzenie do paleobiologii. Wydanie 5. 414 pp. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Warszawa.

134. Dzik, J. 2024. Aplacophoran traits in the late Ordovician septemchitonid polyplacophorans. Journal of Morphology e21700. [Full text - PDF]

Popular science papers (in English)

Dzik, J.
2004. The anatomy of Precambrian animals. Annual Report, Polish Academy of Sciences 2004, 39-41.

Dzik, J. 2004. Prehistory of the nature of Opole Silesia. In T. Sulej Krasiejów: The remarkable discovery of Triassic pre-dinosaurs. 5-10. Przygoda Studio, Opole.


Jerzy Dzik
Institute of Paleobiology PAS
ul. Twarda 51/55
00-818 Warszawa, POLAND
phone (+4822) 6978-738; room 124