Department of Evolutionary Paleobiology

Błażej BŁAŻEJOWSKI, Ph.D., D.Sc.

microfossils, evolution of marine arthropods, paleoclimatic and environmental changes in the Arctic and Antarctic regions


Personal data
Błażej Błażejowski
born in 1978, Sanok, Poland

Titles and memberships
  • 2019–2022 Member of the Scientific Council of the Museum of the Earth PAS
  • 2018– D.Sc. degree in geology, Institute of Paleobiology PAS
  • 2018– Delegate of the Institute of Paleobiology PAS to the Committee on Polar Research of Polish Academy of Sciences
  • 2015– Member: IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Species Survival Commission Horseshoe Crab Specialist Group
  • 2011–2014 Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Paleobiology PAS
  • 2008–until now: Institute of Paleobiology Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Environmental Paleobiology; Adjunct Assistant Professor
  • 2008 Doctor degree in Geology, Institute of Paleobiology PAS (Foraminifera, biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Treskelodden Formation (Carboniferous–Permian) of Spitsbergen)
  • 2005– Membership of the Polish Polar Club at the Polish Geographic Society
  • 2003–2008 International Biological Sciences Studies Course of the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
  • 2003 Master of Science in Geology, Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw (Shark teeth from the Lower Triassic of Spitsbergen and their histology)
  • 2002–2003 Member of the Students' Parliament of the Warsaw University
  • 2002– Co–founder, president and vice–president of the Geoscience Friends Association ‘Phacops’. The Association is open to all who are interested in geology in Poland and beyond


  • 2009 First laureate Artur Rojszczak Award. The award has been given since 2001 by Klub Stypendystów Zagranicznych FNP (Foundation for Polish Science) to young scholars who distinguish themselves by their academic and didactic achievement, breadth of interests, commitment and active involvement in interdisciplinary activities

Participation in scientific meetings

  • 2012 Ghost-rock karst symposium: The nature and origin of the ghost-rocks at Bullslaughter Bay, South Wales, 7-11 October, 2012, Belgium (lecture)
  • 2010 Field Workshop at GUtech, Muscat, Oman. Recovery of ecosystems after the Permian-Triassic mass extinction. 20-26 February.
  • 2009 7th Micropalaeontological Workshop. Mikro-2009. Św. Katarzyna, Poland, 28 – 30 September, (coorganizer and lecturer).
  • 2008 Polar Research-Arctic and Antarctic Perspective in the International Polar Year. SCAR/IASC IPY. Open Science Conference. St. Petersburg, Russia, July 8th – 11th.
  • 2008 9th International Paleontological Conference. Warszawa, 10-11 October 2008 (coorganizer and lecturer).
  • 2007 Research Intern, University of Oslo (Norwey), scientific cooperation with dr.  Hans Arne Nakremem, 26 September – 10 October. Lower Permian bryozoans from Spitsbergen, Svalbard.
  • 2006 Research Intern, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium), scientific cooperation with Professor Bernard Mamet, 24 August – 07 September. Foraminifera and algae from the Permian of Spitsbergen.
  • 2006 Research Intern, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (France), scientific cooperation with Professor Daniel Vachard, 12 – 23 September. Problems on Biseriamminoidea, Mississippian-Permian biserially coiled Foraminifera.

Research projects and expeditions

  • 2013-2016 Leader of  a grant from National Science Centre: Life in the Late Jurassic sea and sea shore: new Solnhofen-type taphonomic window in Sławno (central Poland)
  • 2010 participation in Norwegian Polar Expedition
  • 2006/2007 participation in Polska Ekspedycja Arktyczno-Antarktyczna, field work in Antarctic (King George Island), research topics: paleontology and sedimentology
  •  2005 participation in Polska Ekspedycja Arktyczno-Antarktyczna, field work in Spitsbergen, research topics: paleontology and sedimentology
  • 2004 participation in FMARS, field work in Canadian Arctic (Devon Island).
  • 2002 co-organizer and participant of University of Warsaw students expedition, field work in Scotland and Western Hebrides
  • 2002 co-organizer and participant of expedition to Spitsbergen
  • 2000 co-organizer and participant of expedition to Mongolia

Research interests
  • Methodology of reconstructing evolution from fossils and its paleontological record at the population level. Systematics, evolution, and biostratigraphy of Late Paleozoic foraminifera.
  • End-Permian mass extinction. The Permian-Triassic crisis and multi-episode extinction around the P-T boundary.
  • Isotopic composition of fossil marine vertebrate teeth.
  • Climate Change in the Arctic and Antarctic.


Scientific papers

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., CZUBLA P. 2024. Geopark Owadów-Brzezinki. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 116, 269–281. [text]

CZERNIELEWSKI, M., BĄCAL, P., BŁAŻEJOWSKI, B. 2024. Fossil caries in a Pliocene rodent with a plausible instance of in situ preservation of bacterial remains. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 69 (2): 217–225. [text]

WERYŃSKI Ł., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., SZCZYGIELSKI T., YOUNG M.T. 2024. The first occurrence of machimosaurid crocodylomorphs from the Oxfordian of south-central Poland provides new insights into the distribution of macrophagous teleosauroids. PeerJ 12:e17153. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., WERYŃSKI Ł., WIERZBOWSKI A., MICHALSKA M., HRYNIEWICZ K., UCHMAN A., KUGLER S., BĄCAL P., HOŁDA-MICHALSKA A. 2023. Summary of a decade of research at the Owadów–Brzezinki Lagerstätte (Tithonian, central Poland): A review and perspectives for the future. Volumina Jurassica 21, 83–98. [text]

WERYŃSKI Ł., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., Kędzierski M. 2023. A comparison of teeth in Tithonian, Late Jurassic, predatory actinopterygian fishes from Owadów-Brzezinki Lägerstatte and its palaeoecological implications. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68 (3), 493–512. [text]

WERYŃSKI Ł., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2023. Late Jurassic teeth of plesiosauroid origin from the Owadów-Brzezinki Lägerstatte, Central Poland. PeerJ 11:e15628. [text]

WIERZBOWSKI H., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B.* 2023. Chaetognath grasping spines from the Devonian of Poland: their structure and geochemistry. Acta Palaeontological Polonica, 68(1), 103–116. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., PSZCZÓŁKOWSKI A., GRABOWSKI J., WIERZBOWSKI W., DECONINCK J-F., OLEMPSKA E., TEODORSKI A., NAWROCKI J. 2023. Integrated stratigraphy and clay mineralogy of the Owadów-Brzezinki section (Lower-Upper Tithonian transition, Central Poland): implications for correlations between the Boreal and the Tethyan domains and palaeoclimate. Journal of the Geological Society, 180, jgs2022-073. [text]

OLEMPSKA E., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B.*, WALOSZEK D., MAAS A. 2023. Phosphatic bromalites and microfossils from the Furongian (Cambrian) of northern Poland (Baltica) and palaeobiological implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 610, 111350. [text]

BICKNELL R.D.C., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., HITIJ T. WINGS O., BOTTON M.L. 2021. Critical re-evaluation of Limulidae uncovers limited Limulus diversity. Papers in Palaeontology, 1–32. [text]

WIERZBOWSKI H., SZANIAWSKI H., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2021. Structural, chemical and isotope evidence for secondary phosphate mineralization of Early Palaeozoic grasping spines. Lethaia 54(2), 245–259. Manuskrypt ID 0941-LET-OA-04-20. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., WIERZBOWSKI A. 2020. The Owadów-Brzezinki geoeducation area at Sławno. Geotourism vol. 17, 1‒2 (60‒61) 2020. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., WIERZBOWSKI H., FELDMANN R.M. 2020. Reply to the comment on “No evidence for fungal infection of Upper Jurassic horseshoe crabs: A comment on Błażejowski et al. (2019)” by Zatoń 2020. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Available online 7 May 2020, 109733. [text]

VAŠÍČEK Z., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B.*, GAŹDZICKI A., LEFELD J., SKUPIEN P., WIERZBOWSKI A. 2020. Early Cretaceous ammonites and dinoflagellates from the Western Tatra Mountains, Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65(4), 799–810. [text]

SULEJ T., KRZESIŃSKI G., TAŁANDA M., WOLNIEWICZ A.S., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., BONDE N., GUTOWSKI P., SIENKIEWICZ M., NIEDŹWIEDZKI G. 2020. The earliest-known mammaliaform fossil from Greenland sheds light on origin of mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GIESZCZ P., SIUDA R., TYBOROWSKI D., WIERZBOWSKI A. 2020. The Owadów-Brzezinki Geopark - A remarkable palaeontological site made available for geotourism. Przegląd Geologiczny 68(1), 45–49. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., P. Gieszcz, A.P. Shinn, R.M. Feldmann, E. Durska 2019. Environment deterioration and related fungal infection of Upper Jurassic horseshoe crabs with remarks on their exceptional preservation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 516: 336–341. [text-journal site]

WIERZBOWSKI H., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., TYBOROWSKI D. 2019. Oxygen isotope profiles of uppermost Jurassic vertebrate teeth and oyster shells: a record of paleoenvironmental changes and animal habitats. Palaios 34, 585–599. [text]

TYBOROWSKI D., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2019. New marine reptile fossils from the Late Jurassic of Poland with implications for vertebrate faunas palaeobiogeography. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 130(6), 741–751. [text]

TYBOROWSKI D., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2019. Zespół kręgowców morskich z górnej jury Krzyżanowic k. Iłży – z żółwiami, krokodylomorfami i wielkimi pliozaurami. Przegląd Geologiczny 67(12), 996–1001. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GIESZCZ P., SHINN A.P., FELDMANN R.M., DURSKA E. 2019. Environment deterioration and related fungal infection of Upper Jurassic horseshoe crabs with remarks on their exceptional preservation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 516, 336–341. [text]

SZCZYGIELSKI T., TYBOROWSKI D., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2018. A new pancryptodiran turtle from the Late Jurassic of Poland and palaeobiology of early marine turtles. Geological Journal. 53(3): 1215–1226. (IF2016 = 2.978) [text]

POROS M., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2018. Znaczenie górnictwa surowców skalnych dla edukacji i popularyzacji nauk o Ziemi na przykładzie kopalni Owadów-Brzezinki firmy Nordkalk w gminie Sławno. Surowce i Maszyny Budowlane. 6, 62–64.

UCHMAN A., GAŹDZICKI A., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2018. Arthropod trace fossils from Eocene cold climate continental strata of King George Island, West Antarctica. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 63(2), 383-396. [text]

, NIEDŹWIEDZKI G., KAMEL BOUKHALFA K., SOUSSI M. 2017. A new species of crown limulid (Chelicerata, Xiphosura) from the Middle Triassic of southern Tunisia (Saharan Platform) brings us closer to solving the origins of modern horseshoe crabs. Journal of Paleontology 2017; 1-9. [text]

SOUSSI M., NIEDŹWIEDZKI G., TAŁANDA M., DRÓŻDŻ D., SULEJ T., BOUKHALFA K., MERMER J., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2017. Middle Triassic (Anisian-Ladinian) Tejra red beds and Late Triassic (Carnian) carbonate sedimentary records of southern Tunisia, Saharan Platform: Biostratigraphy, sedimentology and implication on regional stratigraphic correlations. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 79, 222–256. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., BRETT C.E., KIN A., RADWAŃSKI A., GRUSZCZYŃSKI M. 2016. Ancient animal migration: a case study of eyeless, dimorphic Devonian trilobites from Poland. Palaeontology, 59(5), 743-751. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GIESZCZ P., TYBOROWSKI D. 2016. New finds of well-preserved Tithonian (Late Jurassic) fossils from the Owadów-Brzezinki Quarry, Central Poland: a review and perspectives. Volumina Jurassica, 14, 123-132. [text]

TYBOROWSKI D., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., KRYSTEK M., 2016. Szczątki gadów z górnojurajskich wapieni w kamieniołomie Owadów-Brzezinki (Polska środkowa). Przegląd Geologiczny, 64(8), 564-569. [text]

WIERZBOWSKI H., DUBICKA Z., RYCHLIŃSKI T., DURSKA E., OLEMPSKA-RONIEWICZ E., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2016 - Depositional environment of Sławno limestones (uppermost Jurassic, central Poland): evidence from microfacies analysis, microfossils and geochemical proxies. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 282(1): 81-108. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., LAMBERS P., GIESZCZ P., TYBOROWSKI D., BINKOWSKI M. 2015. Late Jurassic jaw bones of Halecomorph fish (Actinopterygii: Halecomorphi) studied with X-ray microcomputed tomography. Palaeontologia Electronica 18.3.53A: 1-10.[text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GIESZCZ P., BRETT C.E., BINKOWSKI M. 2015. A moment from before 365 Ma frozen in time and space. Scientific Reports 5, 14191. [text]
A sample visualization of the Trimerocephalus chopini is shown in SOM available at

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2015. The oldest species of the genus Limulus from the Late Jurassic of Poland. In: Carmichael, RH., Botton, ML., Shin, PKS. and Cheung, SG. (ed.), Changing global perspectives on biology, conservation, and management of horseshoe crabs, 2015. Springer, New York. [text]

FELDMANN R.M., SCHWEITZER C.E., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2015. A new species of lobster (Glypheoidea: Mecochiridae) from the Late Jurassic (late Tithonian) Lagerstätte from central Poland. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen 275: 107–114. [text]

KIN A. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2014. The Horseshoe Crab of the genus Limulus: living fossil or stabiliomorph? PLoS ONE 9(10): e108036. [text]

SULEJ T., WOLNIEWICZ A., BONDE N., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., NIEDŹWIEDZKI G., TAŁANDA M. 2014. New perspectives on the Late Triassic of East Greenland: preliminary results of a Polish-Danish palaeontological expedition. Polish Polar Research 35(4): 541–552. [text]

ROWBERRY M.D., BATTIAU-QUENEY Y., WALSH P., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., BOUT-ROUMAZEILLES V., TRENTESAUX A., KŘÍŽOVÁ L. and GRIFFITHS H. 2014. The weathered Carboniferous limestone at Bullslaughter Bay, South Wales: the first example of ghost-rock recorded in the British Isles. Geologica Belgica 17(1), 33–42. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., MATYJA B.A., WIERZBOWSKI A., WIERZBOWSKI H. 2014. A new exceptionally preserved Late Jurassic ecosystem (Owadów-Brzezinki, Central Poland) and its geological background. In: Jurajskie utwory synkliny tomaszowskiej. Jurassica XI. Przewodnik wycieczek terenowych, abstrakty i artykuły. Spała, 9-11.10.2014 r. (red. A. Feldman-Olszewska, A. Wierzbowski): 21–26. Państw. Inst. Geol. – PIB, Warszawa. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., JAKUBOWSKI G., GIESZCZ P., KOWALSKI R., HOŁDA-MICHALSKA A. 2014. Stanowisko mamuta – Mammuthus primigenius (Blumenbach, 1799)  w górnym plejstocenie kopalni węgla brunatnego Belchatów. Przegląd Geologiczny 62(11): 755–760, 776. [text]

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. & GIESZCZ P. 2013. Zmiany środowiskowe i biotyczne na pograniczu paleozoiku i mezozoiku południowego Spitsbergenu. Kosmos 62(3): 455-462. [text]

GORZELAK P., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., UCHMAN A. & HANKEN N-M. 2013. First record of catacrinid crinoid (Catacrinidae, Crinoidea) from the Lower Permian of Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 34 (2), 139–150. [text]

NIELSEN J. K., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GIESZCZ P. & NIELSEN JAN K. 2013. Carbon and oxygen isotope records of Late Permian brachiopods from low and high palaeolatitudes: seasonality and cyclothemic evaporation. In: Gąsiewicz, A. & Słowakiewicz, M. (eds). Palaeozoic Climate Cycles: Their Evolutionary and Sedimentological Impact. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 376, First published online November 26, 2012. [text]

, RACKI G., GIESZCZ P., KIN A., MAŁKOWSKI K. & KRZYWIECKA K. 2013. Comparative isotopic records of Miocene and recent lacustrine unionid bivalves from Poland. Geological Quarterly, 57 (1), 113–122. [text]

& WALSH P. 2013. A Viséan (Brigantian) conodont assemblage preserved in the dissolution residue component of a breccia matrix at Bullslaughter Bay, Pembrokeshire, South Wales. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, 267, 239–254.[text]

KIN A. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2013. A new species of blind phacopid trilobite from the Late Devonian (early Fammenian) of Poland. Zootaxa 3626 (3), 345–355.[text]

, DUFFIN C., GIESZCZ P., MAŁKOWSKI K., BINKOWSKI M., WALCZAK M., MCDONALD S.A. & WITHERS P. 2013. Lower Triassic Saurichthys (Pisces, Actinopterygii) teeth from Spitsbergen, with comments on their stable isotope composition (δ13C and δ18O) and X-ray microtomography. Polish Polar Research, 34(1), 23–38. [text]

KIN A., GRUSZCZYŃSKI M., MARTILL D., MARSHALL J. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2013. Palaeoenvironment and taphonomy of a Late Jurassic (Late Tithonian) Lagerstätte from central Poland. Lethaia, 46, 71–81. [text]

KIN A. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2012. „Polskie Solnhofen”. Przegląd Geologiczny 60 (7): 375–379. [text]

KIN A., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., BINKOWSKI M. 2012. ‘Polish Solnhofen’: a long-awaited alternative?!. Geology Today, 28(3): 92–95. [text]

KIN A., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. & REMIN Z. 2012. Współpraca geologów i górników – na przykładzie Stowarzyszenia Przyjaciół Nauk o Ziemi Phacops oraz PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A. – Oddział Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego Bełchatów. Przegląd Geologiczny, 60(2): 72, 123.

, BINKOWSKI M., BITNER M.A. and GIESZCZ P. 2011. X-ray microtomography (XMT) of fossil brachiopod shell interior for taxonomy. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56 (2): 427–428. [text]

NAKREM H.A., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. and GAŹDZICKI A. 2009. Lower Permian bryozoans from Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4): 677–698. [text]

2009. Foraminifers from Treskelodden Formation (late Carboniferous-early Permian) of south Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 30 (3): 193–230. [text]

BITNER M.A., GAŹDZICKI A. and BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2009. Brachiopods from the Chlamys Ledge Member (Polonez Cove Formation, Oligocene) of King George Island, West Antarctica. Polish Polar Research 30 (3): 277–290. [text]

2008. Otwornice późnego paleozoiku południowego Spitsbergenu. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Institute of Paleobiology PAS, Warszawa, Poland: 345 pp.

, HOŁDA–MICHALSKA A. and MICHALSKI K. 2006. Schellwienia arctica (Fusulinidae), from the Carboniferous-?Permian strata of the Treskelodden Formation in south Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 27 (1): 91-103. [text]

VACHARD D., GAILLOT J., PILLE L. and BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2006. Problems on Biseriamminoidea, Mississippian-Permian biserially coiled Foraminifera: A reappraisal with proposals. Revista Española de Micropaleontología 38 (2-3): 453-492. [text]

2004. Shark teeth from the Lower Triassic of Spitsbergen and
their histology. Polish Polar Research 25 (2): 153-167. [text]

Published contributions to academic conferences

BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GAŹDZICKI A., HOŁDA-MICHALSKA A., KRÓL M., LEFELD J., SKUPIEN P., VAŠÍČEK Z., WIERZBOWSKI A. 2020. Ammonites and dinocysts from the Kościeliska Marl Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Tatra Mountains) and their biostratighraphical importance. VI Konferencja Przyroda Tatrzańska Parku Narodowego a Człowiek. Zmiany w Tatrach – zagrożenia istniejące i potencjalne. Zakopane 8–10 października 2020: 53–54.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B.,TYBOROWSKI D. 2018. Koncepcja utworzenia Geoparku Owadów-Brzezinki – szansą rozwoju turystycznego w Gminie Sławno.  LXXXVI Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa geologicznego. Łuków, 2-5 września 2018 r.: 37.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2017. Pathogen infestation as a cause for mortality event of Late Jurassic horseshoe crabs and their exceptional preservation. W: Grabowski J. (ed.), Jurassica XIII Conference in Kościelisko/Zakopane 2017, 11.
SZCZYGIELSKI T., TYBOROWSKI D., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2017. A new pancryptodiran turtle from the Late Jurassic of Poland and the evolution of durophagy in turtles. 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists (EAVP). 1st – 3rd August 2017, Palaeontological Museum Munich, Germany, 87–88 (ID 158).
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., TYBOROWSKI D. 2016. Remarkably well-preserved Upper Jurassic fossils of marine and terrestrial biota from the Owadów-Brzezinki Quarry, Central Poland. 1st international workshop on Ancient Hydrocarbon seep and cognate communities; 13-17 June 2016, Warsaw, Poland, p. 1-8 [Excursion guidebook]  [workshop web site]
TYBOROWSKI D., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GIESZCZ P., KRYSTEK M. 2016. Marine and terrestrial reptiles from the Upper Jurassic limestones of Owadów-Brzezinki. In: Michalik J., Fekete K. (Eds.), Jurassica XII Conference in Smolenice, Slovakia 2016, 57-58.
WIERZBOWSKI H., DUBICKA Z., RYCHLIŃSKI T., DURSKA E., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., 2016 - Depositional environment of Sławno limestones (uppermost Jurassic, central Poland): evidence from microfacies analysis, microfossils and geochemical proxies. In: Michalik J., Fekete K. (Eds.), Jurassica XII Conference in Smolenice, Slovakia 2016, 74-75.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2015. Remarkable preservation of a new species of Limulus horseshoe crab from the Late Jurassic Lagerstätte of Poland. The 3rd International Workshop on the Science and Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs. 15-19 June 2015, Sasebo City, Japan. Abstract Vol. P-2.
, MATYJA B.A., WIERZBOWSKI A., WIERZBOWSKI H. 2014. Life in a Late Jurassic Subboreal Sea and on its coast: new taphonomic window of exceptionally preserved fauna at Owadów-Brzezinki (central Poland). The 9th International Congress on The Jurassic System, 6th to 9th January 2014 in Jaipur (India).
2014. The oldest species of the genus Limulus from Late Jurassic of Poland. In: Jurajskie utwory synkliny tomaszowskiej. Jurassica XI. Przewodnik wycieczek terenowych, abstrakty i artykuły. Spała, 9-11.10.2014 r. (red. A. Feldman-Olszewska, A. Wierzbowski): 35-36. Państw. Inst. Geol. - PIB, Warszawa.
, GIESZCZ P. 2014. A new exceptionally preserved Late Jurassic ecosystem (Owadów-Brzezinki, Central Poland). In: The history of life: A view from the Southern Hemisphere. The 4th International Palaeontological Congress Mendoza, Argentina. September 28-October 3, 2014, Mendoza. Abstract Vol. p. 653.
2014. Life in a Late Jurassic Boreal Sea and on its Coast: New Taphonomic Window of Exceptionally Preserved Fauna at Owadów-Brzezinki (Central Poland). In: Living and Fossil Horseshoe Crabs: An International Perspective. Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus, The Department of Natural Sciences and Environmental Science. May 27, 2014.
NIEDŹWIEDZKI G., BONDE N., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., TAŁANDA M., WOLNIEWICZ A., SULEJ T. 2014. Early sauropodomorph footprints in the Late Triassic of East Greenland. In: The history of life: A view from the Southern Hemisphere. The 4th International Palaeontological Congress Mendoza, Argentina. September 28-October 3, 2014, Mendoza. Abstract Vol. p. 242.
TASHMAN J.N., FELDMANN R.M., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2014. A taxonomic and taphonomic analysis of Late Jurassic horseshoe crabs from a lagerstätte in Central Poland. In: The history of life: A view from the Southern Hemisphere. The 4th International Palaeontological Congress Mendoza, Argentina. September 28-October 3, 2014, Mendoza. Abstract Vol. p. 817.
WIERZBOWSKI H., BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2014. Oxygen and carbon isotope records of bulk carbonates and fish teeth from Owadów-Brzezinki quarry (Sławno, Central Poland) - preliminary data.  In: Jurajskie utwory synkliny tomaszowskiej. Jurassica XI. Przewodnik wycieczek terenowych, abstrakty i artykuły. Spała, 9-11.10.2014 r. (red. A. Feldman-Olszewska, A. Wierzbowski): 65-66. Państw. Inst. Geol. - PIB, Warszawa.
2013 Life in a Late Jurassic Boreal Sea and on its coast: new taphonomic window of Solnhofen-type fauna at Sławno (central Poland). 5th Symposium on Mesozoic and Cenozoic Decapod Crustaceans. 25–27 June 2013, Kraków.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GIESZCZ P., NIELSEN K. JESPER & NIELSEN K. JAN 2013. Seasonality of Permian brachiopods from Spitsbergen contradicts with low palaeolatitude brachiopods recording cyclothemic evaporation. The Arctic Science Summit Week 2013. 13–19 April 2013.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GIESZCZ P., NIELSEN JESPER. & NIELSEN JAN. 2012. Zapis stosunków izotopowych w skorupkach późnopermskich ramienionogów z wysokich i niskich szerokości geograficznych jako wskaźnik paleośrodowiska. 34th Polar Symposium. 14-16 June, 2012.
ROWBERRY, M.D., BATTIAU-QUENEY, Y., BŁAŻEJOWSKI, B. & WALSH, P.T. 2012. The nature and origin of the ghost-rocks at Bullslaughter Bay, South Wales. Ghost-rock karst symposium. 7-11 October, 2012, Belgium.
BINKOWSKI M. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2010. Comparison between two microtomography systems. High Resolution X-ray CT Symposium. 31 August – 02 September 2010, Dresden.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GAŹDZICKI A. & MAŁKOWSKI K. 2010. Carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition of fish teeth from Lower Triassic of Spitsbergen as an environmental proxy. Annual Fieldworkshop at GUtech, Muscat, Oman; 20-26 February, 2010; abstract book.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B., GAŹDZICKI A. & MAŁKOWSKI K. 2010. Stable isotope composition of fish teeth from the Eocene La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island: paleoclimate and environmental proxies. XXXI SCAR and Open Science Conference. 30 July - 11 August 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina; abstract book.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B 2009. Foraminifera, biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Treskelodden Formation (Carboniferous – Permian) of Spitsbergen (Svalbard) Seventh Micropalaeontological Workshop. MIKRO 2009. Św. Katarzyna, 28–30 September 2009: 18.
2008. Late Carboniferous to Early Permian foraminifers from south Spitsbergen. Polar Research-Arctic and Antarctic Perspective in the International Polar Year. SCAR/IASC IPY. Open Science Conference. St. Petersburg, Russia July 8th – 11th: 242-243.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2008. Stratygrafia i geneza późnopaleozoicznej formacji Treskelodden południowego Spitsbergenu. XXXII Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Polarne, Wrocław, 23 – 24 maja 2008: 16-18.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2008. Foraminifers from the Treskelodden Formation (Late Carboniferous-Early Permian) of south Spitsbergen. 9th Paleontological Conference. Warszawa, 10-11 October 2008. Abstracts: 11-12.
KIN A. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2008. Zintegrowana strategia popularyzacji nauk o Ziemi – nauka, edukacja i dialektyka. Pierwszy Polski Kongres Geologiczny. Kraków 26-28 czerwca 2008: 52-53.
KIN A. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2008. Phenotypic plasticity of Asphinctites-Polysphinctites polymorphic group from Faustianka clay pit (upper lower Bathonian), south-central Poland. 9th Paleontological Conference. Warszawa, 10-11 October 2008: 43-44.
UCHMAN A., GAŹDZICKI A. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2008. Caddisfly (Trichoptera) cases and associated trace fossils from the Oligocene lacustrine strata of King George Island, West Antarctica. 9th Paleontological Conference. Warszawa, 10-11 October 2008: 95-96.
BITNER M.A., GAŹDZICKI A. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2008. Ramienionogi z oligoceńskiej formacji Polonez Cove Wyspy Króla Jerzego, Szetlandy Południowe. XXXII Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Polarne, Wrocław, 23 – 24 maja 2008: 14-15.
UCHMAN A., GAŹDZICKI A. & BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2008. Caddisfly (Trichoptera) from the Oligocene lacustrine strata of King George Island, West Antarctica. Polar Research-Arctic and Antarctic Perspective in the International Polar Year. SCAR/IASC IPY. Open Science Conference. St. Petersburg, Russia July 8th – 11th.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. & GAŹDZICKI 2007. Zespoły biotyczne z pogranicza paleozoiku i mezozoiku południowego Spitsbergenu. In: A. Gaździcki, W. Majewski, P. Głowacki (eds.): Struktura, ewolucja i dynamika litosfery, kriosfery i biosfery w europejskim sektorze Arktyki oraz w Antarktyce - materiały sesji sprawozdawczej grantu PBZ-KBN-108/P04/2004. Wyd. Inst. Geofizyki PAN, 36-39.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2005. Fuzuliny (Foraminiferida) z późnego karbonu Spitsbergenu. XXXI Sympozjum Polarne. Kielce, 12-14 wrzesnia 2005: 21–22.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2005. Late Carboniferous fusulinids from South Spitsbergen. 5th Micropalaeontological Workshop, Szymbark, Poland, June 8-10, 2005. Abstract Book: 16-17.
BŁAŻEJOWSKI B. 2004. Rekiny z wczesnego triasu Spitsbergenu. XXX Miedzynarodowe Sympozjum Polarne, Gdynia, 23-25 wrzesnia 2004: 21.


Błażej Błażejowski
Institute of Paleobiology PAS
ul. Twarda 51/55
00-818 Warszawa, POLAND
phone (+4822) 6978-793; room 146