Peryt, D., Gedl, P., Jurek, K., Więcław, D., Worobiec,
E., Worobiec, G., Peryt, T.M.. 2024. Environmental
perturbations around the Badenian/Sarmatian (Middle Miocene)
boundary in Central Paratethys: Micropalaeontological and
organic geochemical records. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 647, 112221.
Peryt, D., Gedl, P., Worobiec, E., Worobiec, G., Peryt,
T.M.. 2024. Foraminiferal and Palynological Records of an
Abrupt Environmental Change at the Badenian/Sarmatian Boundary
(Middle Miocene): A Case Study in Northeastern Central
Paratethys. Geosciences 14, 86.
Peryt, D., Gedl, P., Jasionowski, M., Peryt, T.M.,
Poberezhskyy, A.V.. 2024. The Badenian/Sarmatian (Middle
Miocene) boundary in the Central Paratethys (Kreminna, western
Ukraine): foraminiferal and palynological evidence. Geological
Quarterly, 68: 7.
Worobiec, G., Worobiec, E., Gedl, P., Kowalski, R..,
D., Tietz, O. 2023. Fossil history of fungus
host-specificity: Association of conidia of fossil
Asterosporium asterospermum with macro- and microremains of
Fagus. Fungal Biology, 127, 1312e1320.
Worobiec, G., Worobiec, E., Gedl, P., Kasiński, J.R.,
D., Widera, M. 2022. Terrestrial-aquatic wood-inhabiting
ascomycete Potamomyces from the Miocene of Poland. Acta
Palaeontologica Polonica 67 (3): 737–744.
Peryt, D., Dubicka, Z., Wierny, W. 2022. Planktonic
Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of the
Central European Basin. Geosciences, 12, 22.
Peryt, T.M.,
Peryt, D. 2021. Foraminiferal
micro-buildups (“reefs”) in the Wuchiapingian basin facies of
the basal Zechstein carbonates in western Poland. Journal of
Palaeogeography, 10(4): 463-481.
Dubicka, Z., Bojanowski, M.,
Peryt, D., Barski, M.
2021. Biotic and Isotopic Vestiges of Oligotrophy on
Continental Shelves During Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. Global
Biogeochemical Cycles, 35, e2020GB006831.
Walaszczyk, I., Čech, S., Crampton, J.S., Dubicka, Z., Ifrim,
C., Jarvis, I., William J. Kennedy, W.J., Lees, J.A.,
Lodowski, D., Pearce, M.,
Peryt, D., Sageman, B.B.,
Schioler, P., Todes, J., Uličný, D., Voigt, S., Wiese, F.,
with contributions by Linnert, C., Püttmann, T., and
Toshimitsu, S. 2021. The Global Boundary Stratotype Section
and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Coniacian Stage
(Salzgitter-Salder, Germany) and its auxiliary sections
(Słupia Nadbrzeżna, central Poland; Střeleč, Czech Republic;
and El Rosario, NE Mexico). Communication of IUGS Geological
Standards, Episodes, 45, 2, 181-219.
Peryt, D., Garecka, M., Peryt, T.M. 2021. Foraminiferal
and calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy of the upper
Badenian–lower Sarmatian strata in the SE Polish Carpathian
Foredeep. Geological Quarterly, 65: 18.
Peryt, D., Gedl, P., Peryt,T.M. 2020. Marine
transgression(s) to evaporite basin: The case of middle
Miocene (Badenian) gypsum in the Central Paratethys, SE
Poland. Journal of Palaeogeography, 9:16.
Peryt, D., Peryt, T.M., Hałas, S., Raczyński, P. 2016.
Microfacies, foraminifers and carbon and oxygen isotopes in a
basinal section of the Zechstein Limestone (Wuchiapingian):
Bonikowo 2 borehole, western Poland. Geological Quarterly, 60
(4): 827–839.
Gedl, P.,
Peryt, D.,
Peryt ,T.M. 2016. Foraminiferal and palynological organic
matter records of the Upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) deposits
at Anadoly (marginal part of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep
Basin). Geological Quarterly 60(2): 517-536.
Raczyński, P., Peryt, T.M.,
D. 2016. Sedimentary history of two Zechstein
limestone carbonate buildup (Elżbieciny and Racot) in western
Poland: That reefs that were. Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Gesellschaft fűr Geowissenschaften 167(2/3): 191-210.
Peryt, D., Peryt,
T.M., Hałas, S., Raczyński, P. 2016. Microfacies, foraminifers
and carbon and oxygen isotopes in a basinal section of the
Zechstein Limestone (Wuchiapingian): Bonikowo 2 borehole,
western Poland. Geological Quarterly, 60 (4): 827–839.
Peryt, T. M., Raczyński, P.,
D., Chłódek, K., Mikołajewski, K. 2016. Sedimentary
history and biota of the Zechstein Limestone (Permian,
Wuchiapingian) of the Jabłonna Reef in Western Poland. Annales
Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 86: 379-413.
Machalski, M., Vellekoop, J., Dubicka, Z.,
D., Harasimiuk, M. 2016. Late Maastrichtian
cephalopods, dinoflagellate cysts and foraminifera from the
CretaceousePaleogene succession at Lechówka, southeast Poland:
Stratigraphic and environmental implications. Cretaceous
Research, 57: 208-227.
Dubicka, Z.,
Peryt, D.
2016. Bolivinoides (benthic foraminifera) from the Upper
Cretaceous of
Poland and western Ukraine: taxonomy, evolutionary changes and
stratigraphic significance. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,
46(1): 75–94.
Peryt, D., Dubicka, Z.
2015. Foraminiferal bioevents in the Upper Campanian to lowest
Maastrichtian of the Middle Vistula River section, Poland.
Geological Quarterly, 59(4): 814-830.
Peryt, D. and Peryt, T.M. 2015. Zmiany środowiskowe
poprzedzające sedymentację gipsów badeńskich i na początku ich
depozycji w rejonie rzeki Wschodniej (północna część zbiornika
przedkarpackiego). Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu
Geologicznego, 461: 133–152.
Peryt, T.M., Hałas, S.,
D. 2015. Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition and
foraminifers of condensed basal Zechstein (Upper Permian)
strata in western Poland: environmental and stratigraphic
implications. Geological Journal
446–464. [tekst]
Peryt, D., Gedl, P.,
Peryt, T.M. 2014. Foraminiferal and palynological records of
the Late Badenian (Middle Miocene) transgression in Podolia
(Shchyrets near Lviv, western Ukraine). Geological Quarterly,
58 (3): 465-484.
Lamolda, M.A., Paul, C.R.C.,
Peryt, D., Pons, J.M.
2014. The Global Boundary Stratotype and Section Point (GSSP)
for the base of the Santonian Stage, “Cantera de Margas”,
Olazagutia, northern Spain. Episodes, 37 (10): 2-13.
Dubicka, Z.and
Peryt, D.
2014. Classification and evolutionary interpretation of late
Turonian–early Campanian Gavelinella and Stensioeina
(Gavelinellidae, benthic foraminifera) from western Ukraine.
Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 44 ( 2): 151–176.
Dubicka, Z.,
Peryt, D.,
Szuszkiewicz, M. 2014. Foraminiferal evidence for
paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental changes across the
Coniacian–Santonian boundary in western Ukraine.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 401: 43–56.
Peryt, D. 2013.
Foraminiferal record of marine transgression during deposition
of the Middle Miocene Badenian evaporites in Central
Paratethys (Borków section, Polish Carpathian Foredeep). Terra
NovaTerra Nova, 25: 298-306.
Peryt, D. 2013.
Foraminiferal record of the Middle Miocene climate transition
prior to the Badenian salinity crisis in the Polish Carpathian
Foredeep Basin (Central Paratethys). Geological Quarterly, 57
(1): 141–164.
Peryt, T.M., Raczyński, P.,
D., Chłódek, K. 2012. Upper Permian reef complex in
the basinal facies of the Zechstein Limestone (Ca1), western
Poland. Geological Journal, 47: 537-552.
Walaszczyk, I., Lees, J.A.,
D., Cobban, W.A., and Wood, C.J. 2012. Testing the
congruence of the macrofossil versus microfossil record in the
Turonian-Coniacian Bondary succession of the Wagon
Mound-Springer composite section (NE New Mexico, USA). Acta
Geologica Polonica 62 (4): 581-594.
Peryt, T.M., Durakiewicz, T., Kotarba, M.J., Oszczepalski, S.,
Peryt, D. 2012.
Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the basal Zechstein (Lopingian)
strata in Northern Poland and its global correlation.
Geological Quarterly 56 (2): 285–298.
Jasionowski, M.,
Peryt, D.,
and Peryt, T.M. 2012. Neptunian dykes in the Middle Miocene
reefs of western Ukraine: preliminary results. Geological
Quarterly 56 (4): 881-894.
Peryt, D., Peryt, T.M., Raczyński, P., and Chłódek,
K. 2012. Foraminiferal colonization related to the Zechstein
(Lopingian) transgression in the western part of the Wolsztyn
Palaeo-Ridge area, Western Poland. Geological Quarterly,
2012, 56 (3): 529–546.
Dubicka, Z. &
Peryt, D.
2012. Lower/Upper Maastrichtian boundary interval in the
Lublin Syncline (SE Poland, Boreal realm): new insight into
foraminiferal stratigraphy. Newsletters on Stratigraphy
45/2: 139-150.
Dubicka, Z. &
Peryt, D.
2012. Latest Campanian and Maastrichtian palaeoenvironmental
changes: implications from an epicontinental sea (SE Poland
and western Ukraine). Cretaceous Research, 37: 272 – 284.
Peryt, T.M.,. Durakiewicz, T.,
D., Poberezhskyy, A. 2012. Carbon and oxygen isotopic
composition of the Middle Miocene Badenian gypsum-associated
limestones of West Ukraine. Geologica Acta 10 (4): 1-12.
Peryt, D. &
Jasionowski, M. 2012. Sarmatian foraminiferal assemblages in
the cavern fillings in the Badenian reefs of Medobory
(Polupanivka, western Ukraine). Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu
Geologicznego 449: 175-184.
Peryt, T. M. &
Peryt, D.
2012. Geochemical and foraminiferal records of environmental
changes during Zechstein Limestone (Lopingian) deposition in
Northern Poland. Geological Quarterly, 56 (1): 187–198.
Dubicka, Z. &
Peryt, D.
2012. Foraminifers and stable isotope record of the
Dubivtsi chalk (upper Turonian, Western Ukraine):
palaeoenvironmental implications. Geological Quarterly, 56
(1): 199–214.
Gedl, P. &
Peryt, D.
2011. Dinoflagellate cyst, palynofacies and foraminiferal
records of environmental changes related to the Late Badenian
(Middle Miocene) transgression at Kudryntsi (western Ukraine).
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 81:331-350.
Dubicka, Z. &
Peryt, D.
2011. Integrated biostratigraphy of Upper Maastrichtian chalk
at Chełm (SE Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae,
Walaszczyk, I., Wood, C., Lees, J.,
D., Voigt, S. & Wiese, F. 2010. Salzgitter-Salder
Quarry (Lower Saxony, Germany) – Słupia Nadbrzeżna river cliff
section (central Poland): a proposed candidate composite
Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the Coniacian
Stage (Upper Cretaceous). Acta Geologica Polonica, 60 (4),
Bukowski, K., De Leeuw, A., Gonera, M., Kuiper, C. F.,
Krzywiec, P. &
Peryt, D.
2010. Badenian tuffite levels within the Carpathian orogenic
front (Gdów – Bochnia area, Southern Poland):
radio-isotopic dating and stratigraphic position.
Geological Quarterly, 54 (4), 449-464.
Peryt, D. & Gedl,
P. 2010. Palaeoenvironmental changes preceding the Middle
Miocene Badenian salinity crisis in the northern Polish
Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Borków Quarry) inferred from
foraminifers and dinoflagellate cysts. Geological Quarterly,
54 (4), 487-508.
Peryt, D. &
Dubicka Z. 2009. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the early
Maastrichtian of the Nida Trough (Southern Poland):
foraminiferal evidence. In: Peryt D & Kaminski M.A. (eds)
7th Micropalaeontological Workshop MIKRO-2009. Św. Katarzyna,
September 28-30, 2009. Abstracts and Excursion Guide.
Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 15: 101-108.
Peryt, D. & Peryt,
T.M. 2009. Environmental changes in the declining Middle
Miocene Badenian evaporite basin of the Ukrainian Carpathian
Foredeep (Kudryntsi section). Geologica Carpathica 60 (6):
Mikhalevich, V. I. &
D. 2008. Shell Wall Ultrastructure In some Genera of
the Order Verneuilinida Mikhalevich & Kaminski, 2004
(Foraminifera). Part 1. In: Kaminski, M.A. & Coccioni, R.
(eds). Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on
Agglutinated Foraminifera. Grzybowski Foundation Special
Publication, 13, 167-182.
Lamolda, M.A.,
Peryt, D.
& Ion, J. 2007. Planktonic foraminiferal bio-events
in the Coniacian/Santonian boundary interval at Olazagutia
(Navarra province), Spain. - Cretaceous Research, 28, 1,
Peryt, D. and Lamolda,
M. A.2007. Neoflabellinids (benthic foraminifera) from the
Upper Coniacian and Lower Santonian at Olazagutia (Navarra
province), Spain; taxonomy and correlational potential. -
Cretaceous Research, 28, 1, 30-36.
Maurrasse, F.J-M.R., Lamolda, M.A., Aguado, R.,
D., Sen, G. 2005. Spatial and Temporal variations of
the Haitian K/T Boundary record: implications concerning the
event or events. Journal of Iberian Geology, 31, 1, 113-133.
Peryt, D. 2004.
Benthic foraminiferal response to the Cenomanian-Turonian and
Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary events. – Przegląd Geologiczny,
52, 8/2, 827-832.
Peryt, T. M.,
Peryt, D.,
Jasionowski, M., Poberezhskyy, A. V., Durakiewicz, T. 2004.
Post-evaporitic restricted deposition in the Middle Miocene
Chokrakian–Karaganian of East Crimea (Ukraine). - Sedimentary
Geology, 170, 21-36.
Peryt, T. M., Poberezhskyy, A.V., Jasionowski, M.,
D., Petrychenko, O. Y., Lyzoon, S. O., Turchinov, I.
I. 2004. Correlation of Badenian sulphatic deposits in the
Dnister River region. Geologija i geokhimija goriuchikh
kopalin, 1, 56-69.
Yazykova, E.A.,
Peryt, D.,
Zonova, T.D. & Kasintzova, L.I. 2004. The
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in Sakhalin, Far East Russia:
ammonites, inoceramids, foraminifera and radiolarians. New
Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 2, 291-330.
Peryt, D., Alegret,
L., Molina, E. 2004. Agglutinated foraminifers and their
response to the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary event at
Aïn Settara, Tunisia, In: Bubík, M. & Kaminski, M.A.
(eds). Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on
Agglutinated Foraminifera. Grzybowski Foundation Special
Publication, 8, 393-412.
Jasionowski, M., Poberezhskyy, A.V., Studencka, B.,
D. & Hara, U. 2003. Serpulid-microbialite Lower
Sarmatian reefs of the Miodobory region (Volyn-Podolian margin
of the East-European platform). Geologija i geokhimija
goriuchikh kopalin, 2, 83-94.
Peryt, D., Alegret, L.
& Molina, E. 2003. Otwornice bentosowe a granica
kreda/paleogen (K/P) w profilu Aïn Settara, Tunezja. Przegląd
Geologiczny, 51 (12), 1069-1074.
Peryt, T. M., Szaran, J., Jasionowski, M., Halas, S.,
D., Poberezhskyy, A., Karoli, S. & Wójtowicz, A.
2002. S and O isotope composition of the Badenian (Middle
Miocene) sulphates in the Carpathian Foredeep. - Geologica
Carpathica, 53, 391-398.
Peryt, D., Alegret, L.
& Molina, E. 2002. The Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary
at Aïn Settara (Tunisia): restructuring of benthic
foraminiferal assemblages. Terra Nova, 14 (2), 101-107.
Peryt, D. &
Woszczyńska, S. 2001. Gatunki przewodnie i charakterystyczne.
Fauna – bezkręgowce. Typ Protista. Rząd Foraminiferida
Eichwald, 1830. – In: M. Pajchlowa & R. Wagner (eds.),
Budowa geologiczna Polski. Atlas skamieniałości. Perm, 26-41.
Peryt, D. 2000. O
wieku opok z Piotrawina nad Wisłą, Polska środkowa. - Biul.
Państw. Inst. Geol., 393, 81-94.
Peryt, D. 1999.
Calcareous nannoplankton assemblages of the Badenian
evaporites in the Carpathian Foredeep. – Biul. Państw. Inst.
Geol., 387, 158-161.
Lamolda, M. A., Melinte, M. &
D. 1999. Datos micropaleontologicos preliminares
sobre el limite Coniaciense-Santoniense en Olazagutia
(Navarra, Spain). - Revista Española de Micropaleontología,
31, 337-345.
Alegret, L., Molina, E. &
D. 1999. Evolucion de las asociaciones de
microforaminiferos bentonicos en el limite Cretacico/Terciario
de Aïn Settara, Tunicia. In: I. Rabano (ed.), Temas
Geologico-Mineros ITGE, 26,142-146.
Peryt, D. 1999.
Wielkie wymierania, strategie przeżycia i odradzania się
biocenoz z globalnych kryzysów - aktualny stan poznania. -
Przegląd Geologiczny, 47, 338-343.
Lamolda, M. A. &
D. 1998. The Maastrichtian of the Zumaya section. -
In: M.A. Lamolda (ed.), 24 Coloquio Europeo de
Micropaleontologia, Libro Guia, 87-92.
Lamolda, M. A. &
D. 1998. The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary at the
Menoyo section, northern Spain. - In: M.A. Lamolda (ed.), 24
Coloquio Europeo de Micropaleontología, Libro Guia, 53-58.
Peryt, T.M.,
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Szaran, J., Hałas, S. & Jasionowski, M. 1998. O poziomie
anhydrytowym badenu w otworze wiertniczym Ryszkowa Wola 7 k.
Jarosławia (SE Polska). - Biul. Państw. Inst. Geol., 379,
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D. 1998. Inoceramid-foraminiferal biostratigraphy of
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Peryt, D. 1997.
Calcareous nannoplankton stratigraphy of the Middle Miocene in
the Gliwice area (Upper Silesia, Poland). - Bull. Pol. Acad.
Sc., Earth Sc., 45, 119-131.
Lamolda, M.A., Aquado, R., F.J-M.R. Maurasse, F.J-M.R. &
Peryt, D. 1997. El
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micropaleontologico e implicaciones bioestratigraficas. -
Geogaceta, 22, 97-100.
Peryt, T.M., Hałas, S., Karoli, S. &
D. 1997. Zapis izotopowy zmian środowiskowych
podczas depozycji gipsów badeńskich w Kobeřicach koło Opavy. -
Przegląd Geologiczny, 45, 807-810.
Peryt, T.M., Karoli, S.,
D., Petrichenko, O.I., Gedl, P., Narkiewicz, W.,
Durkovičova, J. & Dobieszyńska, Z. 1997. Westernmost
occurrence of the Middle Miocene Badenian gypsum in central
Paratethys (Kobeřice, Moravia, Czech Republic). - Slovak
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Lamolda, M. A., Gorostidi, A., Martinez, R., Lopez, G. &
Peryt, D. 1997. Fossil
occurrences in the upper Cenomanian - lower Turonian at Ganuza
(N Spain): an approach to the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary
chronostratigraphy. - Cretaceous Research, 18, 331-353.
Peryt, D., Lahodynsky,
R. & Durakiewicz, T. 1997. Deep-water agglutinated
foraminifera changes and stable isotopes profiles across the
Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary in the Rotwandgraben section,
Eastern Alps (Austria). - Palaeogeography, Palaeclimatology,
Palaeoecology, 132, 287-307.
Peryt, D. 1996.
Wielkie wymierania we fanerozoiku. - Kosmos, 45, 769-781.
Peryt, D. &
Lamolda, M. A. 1996. Benthonic foraminiferal mass extinction
and survival assemblages from the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary
Event in the Menoyo section, NE Spain. - In: M. B. Hart (ed.),
Biotic Recovery from Mass Extinction Events, Geological
Society Special Publication, 102, 245-258.
Lamolda, M. A. &
D.1995. Benthonic foraminiferal response to the
Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event in the Ganuza section,
northern Spain. - Revista Española de Paleontología, 8,
Peryt, T.M., Pobereżski, A.W., Jasionowski, M., Petryczenko,
Peryt, D. &
Ryka, W. 1994. Facje gipsów badeńskich Ponidzia i
Naddniestrza. - Przegląd Geologiczny, 42, 771-776.
Peryt, T.M. &
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1994. Microfacies, calcareous nannoplankton and isotope
geochemistry of Ratyn Limestone (Badenian, Middle Miocene) of
Western Ukraine and Northern Moldova. - Geologia i geokhimia
goryuchikh kopalin, No. 1-2 (86-87), 56-64 [w jęz.
Peryt, T.M. &
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1994. Badenian (middle Miocene) Ratyn Limestone in western
Ukraine and northern Moldavia: microfacies, calcareous
nannoplankton and isotope geochemistry. - Bull. Acad. Pol.
Sci., Ser. sci. de la Terre, 42, 127-136.
Peryt, D., Wyrwicka,
K., Orth, C., Attrep, M. & Quintana, L. 1994.
Foraminiferal changes and geochemical profiles across the
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in central and southeast Poland.
- Terra Nova, 6, 158-165.
Peryt, D. &
Walaszczyk, I. 1993. Field trip 2. Cenomanian/Turonian and
Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary successions in the Middle Vistula
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incomplete sections - a multidisciplinary attempt. In: Global
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Peryt, D., Lahodynsky,
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the Flyschgosau (Eastern Alps, Austria). - Palaeogeography,
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Wyrwicka, K. 1993. The Cenomanian - Turonian boundary event in
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Peryt, D. 1983.
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