dr Zofia DUBICKA
doktorant w Zakładzie Paleobiologii Środowiskowej w latach
Tematyka badawcza:
Kredowe otwornice planktoniczne i bentosowe (paleobiogeografia,
paleoekologia, ewolucja) Zintegrowana bio- i chemostratygrafia
Kredowe rekonstrukcje paleośrodowiskowe
Stopnie naukowe:
2012 doktor nauk o Ziemi w zakresie geologii, Instytut Paleobiologii
PAN, Warszawa
2008 - 2012 doktorant GEOBIOS, Instytut Paleobiologii, Polska
Akademia Nauk, Warszawa; Otwornice i stratygrafia osadów górnej
kredy okolic Halicza, zachodnia Ukraina; opiekun naukowy: doc dr
Danuta Peryt, prof. nadzwyczajny IP PAN
2008 magister geologii, w zakresie geologia stratygraficzna i
poszukiwawcza, Wydział Geologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
Przewód doktorski:
temat: Otwornice i stratygrafia osadów górnej kredy okolic Halicza
(Ukraina zachodnia)
opiekun naukowy: doc dr
Danuta Peryt, prof. nadzwyczajny IP PAN
otwarcie: 26 maja 2010
recenzja 1 [tekst],
recenzja 2 [tekst]
obrona: 22 października 2012 roku
Dubicka, Z. and Peryt, D. 2012. Lower/Upper
Maastrichtian boundary interval in the Lublin Syncline (SE
Poland, Boreal realm): new insight into foraminiferal
stratigraphy. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 45 (2): 139-150.
Remin, Z.,
Dubicka, Z.,
Kozłowska, A., Kuchta, B. 2012. A new method of rock
disintegration and foraminiferal extraction with the use of liquid
nitrogen [LN2]. Do conventional methods lead to biased
paleoecological and paleoenviromental interpretations? Marine
Micropaleontology, 86–87: 11–14.
Dubicka, Z. and Peryt, D.
2012. Latest Campanian and Maastrichtian paleoenvironmental changes:
Implications from an epicontinental sea (SE Poland and western
Ukraine). Cretaceous Research, 37: 272-284.
Dubicka, Z. and Peryt, D.
2012. Foraminifers and stable isotope record of the Dubivtsi chalk
(upper Turonian, Western Ukraine): palaeoenvironmental implications.
Geol. Quart., 56 (1): 199–214.
Dubicka, Z. and Peryt, D.,
2011. Integrated biostratigraphy of Upper Maastrichtian chalk at
Chełm (SE Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae,
Peryt, D. and
Dubicka, Z.
2009. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the early Maastrichtian of the
Nida Trough (Southern Poland): foraminiferal evidence. W: Peryt D
& Kaminski MA (red.) 7th Micropalaeontological Workshop
MIKRO-2009. Sw. Katarzyna, September 28-30, 2009. Abstracts and
Excursion Guide. Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication, 15,
Machalski, M., Jagt, J and
Z. 2008. Additional records of scaphitid ammonites from the
basal upper Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of eastern Poland.
Bulletin Aardwetenschappen - Bulletin Sciences de la terre, 78,
Abstrakty konferencyjne:
Dubicka, Z. &
Peryt D. 2013. The significance of benthic foraminifera in
deciphering the Santonian stratigraphy of the European
epicontinental sea sediments. 14th Czech-Polish-Slovak
Palaeontological Conference and 9th Micropalaeontological Workshop
MIKRO-2013, Kraków, Poland, November 2013, Grzybowski Foundation
Special Publication No. 19. Abstracts Volume: 14.
Remin, Z.,
Dubicka, Z.,
Kozłowska, A. & Kuchta, B. 2011. Foram extraction and rock
disintegration using liquid nitrogen [LN2]. In: Bąk M, Kaminski MA
& Waśkowska A (ed.) Integrating Microfossil Records from the
Oceans and Epicontinental Seas. Grzybowski Foundation Special
Publication, 17, pp. 122-123.
Dubicka, Z. 2010
Foraminiferal biostratigraphy and sea level curve for the
Maastrichtian strata of the Lublin – Lviv Syncline (SE Poland and
West Ukraine). - In: September 5-10, 2010, Bonn, Abstracts Volume
with Program, 79.
Dubicka, Z. & Peryt, D.
2011. The Boreal Lower/Upper Maastrichtian boundary and
foraminiferal events: An example from SE Poland. In: Bąk M, Kaminski
MA & Waśkowska A (ed.) Integrating Microfossil Records from the
Oceans and Epicontinental Seas. Grzybowski Foundation Special
Publication, 17, pp. 83-84.
Dubicka, Z. & Peryt, D.
2009 Integrated biostratigraphy of Upper Maastrichtian chalk
at Chełm (East Poland). In: Hart MB (ed.) – 8th International
Symposium on the Cretaceous System. Abstract Volume. Plymouth, p.
Peryt, D.,
Dubicka, Z.,
Anczkiewicz, R., Peryt, T.M. & Poberezhsky, A.V. 2009
Mid-Cretaceous strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Dnister River
Valley (West Ukraine): preliminary results. In: Hart MB (ed.) – 8th
International Symposium on the Cretaceous System. Abstract Volume.
Plymouth, p. 98-99.
Dubicka, Z. 2009
Foraminifers and biostratigraphy of the Albian–Cenomanian deposits
from the Luka section (Dnister River Valley, West Ukraine):
preliminary results. In: Peryt D & Kaminski MA (ed.) 7th
Micropalaeontological Workshop MIKRO-2009. Sw. Katarzyna, September
28-30, 2009. Abstracts and Excursion Guide. Grzybowski Foundation
Special Publication, 15, p. 21.